Design philosophy: digital technologies
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Textbook on general education discipline "Philosophy and Methodology of Science" for students, listeners mastering the content educational program of higher education in all specialties of full-time and part-time forms of education
Bibliographic entry
Loiko, A. I. Design philosophy: digital technologies [Electronic Resource] : textbook on general education discipline "Philosophy and Methodology of Science" for students, listeners mastering the content educational program of higher education in all specialties of full-time and part-time forms of education / A. I. Loiko ; Belarusian National Technical University, Department of «Philosophical Teachings». – Minsk : BNTU, 2023. – Деп. в БНТУ 27.03.2023, № DEPBNTU-2023-111.
The textbook complements the lecture material with topical issues of design philosophy and digital technologies. The material belongs to the section "Philosophy of natural science and technology" of the course of lectures on the philosophy and methodology of science. The natural-science aspects of human consciousness and technological trends in the evolution of convergent structures of digital ecosystems are described. The evolution of system computing technology is analyzed.