Measurement errors. Analysis and evaluation

978-985-583-848-8Another Title
Manual for students of speciality 1-53 01 01 “Automation of technological processes and productions (by directions)”
Bibliographic entry
Kachan, S. M. Measurement errors. Analysis and evaluation : manual for students of speciality 1-53 01 01 “Automation of technological processes and productions (by directions)” / S. M. Kachan ; Belarusian National Technical University, Department “Technical Physics”. – Minsk : BNTU, 2022. – 39 p.
The manual for the course of physics is intended to familiarize 1st year students with the basics of the theory of errors, as well as methods for calculating errors that are necessary when performing laboratory works. The manual presents theoretical material on the analysis and methods for calculating the errors of direct and indirect measurements. In addition, methodological materials are given for performing laboratory work, the purpose of which is to consolidate the skill of conducting precision measurements and processing their results.