Оптимизация парковочных мест дворовых территорий г. Минска
Bibliographic entry
Зысь, Т. А. Оптимизация парковочных мест дворовых территорий г. Минска / Т. А. Зысь, К. Н. Драгун // Новые горизонты - 2021 : сборник материалов VIII Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 11-12 ноября 2021 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2021. – Т. 1. – С. 119-121.
Based on the analysis of the number of parking spaces and the number of cars in the city of Minsk, the problem of lack of parking spaces is highlighted, which is most relevant for residential areas of the city and the negative effects that it generates. Residential areas with the largest number of inhabitants and high population density are highlighted. The optimal option of increasing the number of parking spaces in the courtyards of residential areas is proposed. The positive effects of using the proposed option of increasing parking spaces in the courtyards of residential areas of the city are highlighted.