Now showing items 214-217 of 217

    • 白鹤芋水培试验研究 

      田葭荟 (БНТУ, 2020)
      Because the white crane taro is popular with the public, it provides experience for the production and daily maintenance management of the white crane taro by hydroponic testing according to the growth habits and morphological characteristics of the white crane taro.
    • 网络教学环境下对外汉语教学的主要问题及解决方法 

      肇辰 (БНТУ, 2020)
      Compared with the traditional teaching method, the advantages and disadvantages of network teaching method are particularly obvious. The core purpose of online teaching is to break the barriers of time and space to complete learning tasks. Based on the actual experience of online teaching Chinese as a foreign language, this paper discusses the main problems and solutions of ...
    • 网页设计课程的教学研究与实践 

      郑颖 (БНТУ, 2020)
      With the rapid development of network front-end development technology, just as the rapid development of front-end development technology and the requirements for front-end developers have changed dramatically, the course of web design in higher education must be adjusted accordingly. Teachers in the teaching of web design should start with the following aspects: leading students ...
    • 金属快速成形3D 打印技术与应用 

      穆德敏; 陈宝欣; 陈艺文; 张舒翔 (БНТУ, 2020)
      With the gradual application of advanced manufacturing technology, the development of forced, removed and stacked forming technology is very rapid. As a relatively new rapid addition forming technology, 3D printing technology has achieved very good results in many fields, greatly improving the efficiency of parts, and playing an important role in promoting the development of ...