Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Save water system 

      Кунцевич, В. В.; Машонский, Д. А.; Пинчук, М. Н. (БНТУ, 2019)
      For environmental purposes, namely resource conservation, it is proposed to install a rainwater gathering system. You can collect rainwater by means of the system and use this water for the needs of the trolley fleet (washing of rolling stock). This system reservoirs can be also used for storage of excess filtered water.
    • Внедрение терминалов оплаты проезда на электропоездах пригородного сообщения 

      Лавыш, А. А.; Пинчук, М. Н. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In connection with the wide demand for passenger transportation services by rail, it is proposed to increase the convenience of buying tickets by introducing self-service terminals on suburban trains. This solution will help to ease cashiers work at stations, improve the convenience of buying tickets, as well as reduce the number of conflicts with supervisors.