Now showing items 117-136 of 9345

    • The best cutting method for metals 

      Miroslav, R. R. (БНТУ, 2005)
      Miroslav, R. R. The best cutting method for metals / R. R. Miroslav // Машиностроение : республиканский межведомственный сборник научных трудов : в 2 т. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; под ред. Б. М. Хрусталева ; редкол.: Б. М. Хрусталев (пред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2005. – Вып. 21, Т. 1. – С. 364-371.
    • The Elaboration of Multiple Precessional Gear Theory and Modern Manufacturing Technology 

      Bostan, I. A.; Dulgheru, V. M. (БНТУ, 2002)
      The engineering complex study of the triad “gear-technology-transmission” has permitted to elaborate a new type of precessional transmissions with multicouple gear. In this paper, the authors present the mathematic model of the multicouple gear. A computer program for doing this it is also elaborated. It is shown a block-scheme of the algorithm of the program modules including ...
    • The impact of social capital to increase the competitiveness of the Belarus economy reforming 

      Solodovnikov, S. Yu.; Mazurenko, O. M. (БНТУ, 2016)
      В статье рассматриваются сущность и социально-экономическая взаимозависимость механизмов экономической конкурентоспособности и социального капитала в Беларуси и докризисной Украине. Предложены пути повышения эффективности использования социального капитала в Республике Беларусь в целях обеспечения устойчивого экономического роста, в том числе: обеспечения устойчивого распределения ...
    • The implementation of new software in modal analisys bricks walls degradation measurements 

      Zoltowski, Mariusz (БНТУ, 2019)
      The recommendation of the Polish low shows a need of control the production quality of wall elements which should provide in straight lines diagnostic tools. Requirement of this norm in range establishing the partial coefficients of wall safety of wall treats to settlement the category of works realization on building (A or B). They would support qualification " suitably qualified ...
    • The implementation of new software in modal analisys bricks walls degradation measurements 

      Zoltowski, Mariusz (БНТУ, 2020)
      The recommendation of the Polish low shows a need of control the production quality of wall elements which should provide in straight lines diagnostic tools. Requirement of this norm in range establishing the partial coefficients of wall safety of wall treats to settlement the category of works realization on building (A or B). They would support qualification «suitably qualified ...
    • The influence of the electrical arc characteristics on forming of the weld 

      Chemasejns, O.; Valiulis, A. V.; Rudzinskas, V. (Технопринт, 2003)
      Chemasejns, O. The influence of the electrical arc characteristics on forming of the weld / O. Chemasejns, A. V. Valiulis, V. Rudzinskas // Машиностроение : республиканский межведомственный сборник научных трудов / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: И. П. Филонов (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : Технопринт, 2003. – Вып. 19. – С. 158-162.
    • The modeling of the machine-building complex development of the Republic of Belarus 

      Baynev, V. F.; Bliznyuk, O. S. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus plays a special role in the country's industry. This article is devoted to the construction of predictive models of growth of the machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of factors, which directly affect it. While writing the article, the author has used such tools as PEST-analysis, correlation analysis, ...
    • The research of the economic and ecological efficiency of international road freight 

      Lapkouskaya, P.; Pazniakou, P. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In the European Union, heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) are currently responsible for 27 % of road transport carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Trucking poses threats to the environment from two major quantifiable sources: air pollution and noise [1].
    • The role of cultural identity in foreign language learning 

      Вікторка, Л. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The article is devoted to the place of culture in a foreign language classroom. Native and target cultures, being in mutual dependence, determine the special content of education, which is in practice intended to implement the dialogue of cultures.
    • The significance of passenger transport hubs in the transport system: factors of their development 

      Khodoskina, O. A.; Zhang, Yuibo (БНТУ, 2023)
      The modern transport system includes not only the effective functioning of all modes of transport included in it, and the corresponding infrastructure, but also their interaction and complementarity, the purpose of which is to fully satisfy the needs of the client – the cargo owner or passenger. In this regard, today the issue of designing and developing passenger transport hubs ...
    • The study numerical to detect collisions using neural network with D* algorithm 

      Medvedev, M. Yu.; Farhood, A. K. (БНТУ, 2022)
      A numerical study of the proposed iterative algorithm using the Matlab complex is carried out. During the study, the task of teaching a neural network to plan a route was solved in the same way as the "teacher" algorithm, for which D* was chosen. The initial filtering option is selected in such a way that, when a collision occurs, a trajectory point that preceded the collision ...
    • Transforming Minsk: an academic approach 

      Ciriquian, P. M.; Pallares, V. I. (БНТУ, 2015)
      This paper presents the results of the workshop held at the University of Alicante focused on the transformation of Minsk central area. It should be taken into consideration the difficulties of the work as it was not possible to adapt the projects to the real situation of the city. The proposals try to offer an approach from a different culture and without profoundly knowing the ...
    • Using of finite element method for solving problems of the resistance of materials 

      Pronkevich, S. A.; Senk, I. (БНТУ, 2007)
      In this article we consider the using of finite element method for solving problems of the resistance of materials and compare results solved different methods: analytic solution, hand-calculation solution by finite element method and solution in ANSYS.
    • Uwzglednienie oporu powietrza w analizie ruchu rzucanej monety 

      Grabski, J.; Strzalko, J.; Kapitaniak, T. (БНТУ, 2008)
      Numerical analysis of three dimensional coin tossing is presented. Coin model includes air resistance. It is assumed that the air resistance force is proportional to the velocity. Comparison of results with and without the air resistance shows that the air friction may be nonnegligible.
    • Vagueness versus ambiguity 

      AL Najm, M. S. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The article deals with closely related but not identical phenomena of vagueness and ambiguity. It is revealed that vagueness lacks clear and specific meaning, on contrary ambiguity is always related to a specific meaning, which can be interpreted in more than one specific way.
    • Viscosity of the dilute solution of flexible polymer molecules 

      Nemtsov, V. B. (БНТУ, 2009)
      Nemtsov, V. B. Viscosity of the dilute solution of flexible polymer molecules / V. B. Nemtsov // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник. – Вып. 24. – 2009. – С. 206-210.
    • VR-тренажер по тушению пожаров в учебной аудитории 

      Анисовец, Ю. В. (БНТУ, 2024)
      Анисовец, Ю. В. VR-тренажер по тушению пожаров в учебной аудитории / Ю. В. Анисовец ; науч. рук. А. И. Головатый // Интеллектуальные, сенсорные и мехатронные системы-2024 [Электронный ресурс] : сборник научных трудов (по материалам студенческих научно-технических конференций) / Белорусский национальный технический университет, Кафедра «Интеллектуальные и мехатронные системы» ; ...
    • Wear-resistement and tiredness durability of coverings obtained by surfacing of powders from highspeed steels in an electromagnetic field 

      Shaduya, V. L.; Kozhuro, S. L.; Zelentsov, A. G. (БНТУ, 2007)
      Shaduya, V. L. Wear-resistement and tiredness durability of coverings obtained by surfacing of powders from highspeed steels in an electromagnetic field / V. L. Shaduya, S. L. Kozhuro, A. G. Zelentsov // Машиностроение : республиканский межведомственный сборник научных трудов / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; под ред. Б. М. Хрусталева ; редкол.: Б. М. Хрусталев ...
    • Wirtualne modelowanie układów mechanicznych z wykorzystaniem systemu Working Model 

      Grabski, J.; Strzałko, J. (БНТУ, 2006)
      Grabski, J. Wirtualne modelowanie układów mechanicznych z wykorzystaniem systemu Working Model / J. Grabski, J. Strzałko // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник. – Вып. 20. – 2006. – С. 174-177.
    • Wprowadzenie do badań na temat konwersji form architektury cerkwi wojskowych XIX-XX w. w Polsce 

      Januszkiewicz, A. (БНТУ, 2014)
      В статье представлены результаты предварительных исследований конверсии архитектурных форм православных церквей, возведенных для русских военных на польских землях в XIX – XX вв.