Now showing items 21-40 of 83

    • Миграция тяжелых металлов в водных экосистемах 

      Балаева-Тихомирова, О. М.; Кацнельсон, Е. И.; Фомичёва, Н. С. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Pollution of aquatic ecosystems with heavy metals is one of the global problems of our time. In order to preserve the stability of aquatic ecosystems, the ability to self-recovery and self-regulation, under conditions of constant anthropogenic impact, along with controlling the content of heavy metals in the components of eco-systems, it is necessary to study the features of their ...
    • О достоверности стандартных параметров модели «золотого» автомобиля для расчета показателя IRI 

      Ходяков, В. А. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The frequency of their own oscillations of sprung and unsprung masses was compared using the generally recognized values of the “golden” car parameters and data obtained through experiment with ground-based laser scanning.
    • Корреляционный анализ параметров микротвердости и износостойкости пористых алюмооксидных покрытий от электрохимических режимов анодирования 

      Шиманович, Д. Л. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The effect of electrochemical and temperature regimes under potentiostatic and galvanostatic anodizing conditions in oxalic and sulfuric acids solutions on the microhardness and mechanical wear resistance characteristics of functional thick-layer alumina coatings with a thickness of ~10–50 μm has been studied. An improvement in the microhardness and wear resistance of Al2O3 with ...
    • Comparative simulation analysis based on edemrecurdyn coupling 

      Liu, Zhixin; Ma, Shikuan; Shang, Shuqi; He, Xiaoning (БНТУ, 2023)
      In order to verify the effectiveness of the three-stage potato soil separation device, a comparative simulation should be carried out using the EDEM-Recurdyn simulation method. The results showed that the design of the three-stage potato soil separation unit could reduce damage to potato tubers.
    • Cross-cultural communication between China and Belarus 

      Chen, Yang (БНТУ, 2023)
      As all-weather comprehensive strategic partners, China and Belarus will have more and closer exchanges and cooperation in the future.This paper will analyze the current situation of cross-cultural exchanges between China and Belarus from two aspects of cultural commonality and cultural collision, and also analyze the prospects of cultural exchanges between China and Belarus.
    • Development status of potato harvester in China 

      Liu, Zhixin; Ma, Shikuan; Shang, Shuqi; Hou, Yaxiu; He, Xiaoning (БНТУ, 2023)
      A late start has slowed the development of potato harvesters in China. Although research and development by companies such as MENOW and Hongzhu have raised the level of equipment in this field, problems remain.
    • Метод проникающей кристаллизации для реализации механизма интеллектуального бетона 

      Ван, Минюань; Тан, Дунян; Бондаренко, С. Н.; Руднов, В. С. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, the mechanism of self-healing of concrete cracks by permeation crystallization method is briefly expounded, and a reaction mechanism of cyclic complexation crystallization/crack self-healing reaction is proposed, and the repair effect of permeable crystalline composites on concrete cracks is further studied, and the self-healing mechanism of permeable crystalline ...
    • Engineering construction cost control based on BIM technology 

      Yuhao, Jiang; Holubava, V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The construction industry is a pillar industry of the national economy, and the scale of the construction industry has expanded rapidly in recent years. However, there is a problem of poor profitability in the construction industry. It was found that the main reason for the poor profitability of the construction industry is the problem of project cost management, and the main ...
    • Новаторские изобретения Я. О. Наркевича-Иодко 

      Перхурович, М. А. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Тhe article describes the main inventions of the Belarusian scientist Narkievich-Iodko. The conclusions about the innovative character of his discoveries and practical significance of the scientist's inventions are considered in the article.
    • Алгоритмы определения параметров упругих лепестковых муфт 

      Коршун, К. С.; Жовнерик, А. Н.; Басалай, Г. А. (БНТУ, 2023)
      An analysis of the operational properties of elastic bush-pin couplings is presented. Methods for studying the stress-strain state of elements of elastic leaf couplings are presented. Algorithms have been developed to perform verification and design calculations of elastic leaf couplings.
    • Study on the development of natural non-metallic fibers with nanofibers and steel fibers in concrete 

      Ван, Сяньпэн; Юй, Хаосюань; Леонович, С. Н. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In recent years the application of fiber in concrete is more and more extensive, this paper for, plant fiber, nano-fiber, steel fiber to make a relevant comparison of the classification, and discusses the fiber in the concrete in the relevant problems, I hope to provide readers with relevant reference around.
    • 磁场下连铸过程模拟及新型磁流体制备研究 

      Wang, Yanqiang (БНТУ, 2023)
      This study aims to simulate the flow behavior of molten steel in an electromagnetic field using magnetorheological fluid and investigate the influence of the magnetic field on the flow behavior of molten steel during continuous casting. Magnetorheological fluids exhibit good flowability and magnetic responsiveness, allowing their rheological properties to be controlled by adjusting ...
    • 高熵合金纳米材料制备及微波催化降解性能 

      Feng, Yanyan; Yao, Haiying (БНТУ, 2023)
      Dc arc discharge plasma technology with extremely high evaporation temperature and ultra-fast cooling speed can overcome the mixing enthalpy restriction between immiscible components and obtain highly miscible highentropy alloy nanomaterials. With the aid of external electromagnetic field, the catalytic degradation mechanism of dyes under the action of external electromagnetic ...
    • 一种基于铁纳米簇的新型可视化葡萄糖传感器 

      Ge, Jing; Zhang, Muqi; Wang, Xinyi; Mao, Wenlu; Lu, Jingyi (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, a novel fluorescent sensor for glucose detection based on fluorescent iron clusters (Fe NCs) and glucose oxidase is developed. With the increase of glucose concentration, the red fluorescence of iron nanoclusters decreases gradually, and the glucose content can be detected in the range of 0– 100 μmol·L–1. In addition, in order to facilitate the detection of glucose, ...
    • Exploration of the current status of research on tigernut seeders in China 

      Ma, Shikuan; Liu, Zhixin; Wang, Chunqing; Zhai, Yubin (БНТУ, 2023)
      Domestic tigernut mechanised seeding is currently in the beginning of the rapid development stage, part of the region in the reference to the original agricultural mechanisation of high-end technology on the basis of research and development were applied to the characteristics of the region relatively mature tigernut seeding machinery, but due to the regional differences are ...
    • Применение машинного обучения и больших данных в цифровом маркетинге 

      Беланович, Е. М.; Кирасова, Е. О. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The article is devoted to the application of machine learning and Big Data in digital marketing. This article considers the concept and benefits of machine learning. The results and conclusions presented in the article are important to understand the importance of machine learning in marketing.
    • Автоматизация верстки и подготовки к печати материалов для настольных игр 

      Желенок, Д. А. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The paper presents a software tool designed to automate the layout and preparation for printing of board game materials. The software has a graphical and console interface, a well-thought-out architecture that allows you to avoid duplicating the source code of algorithms for different interfaces. The main functions of the software tool are: preparing a specification file with a ...
    • Q-коды в маркетинге 

      Баньковская, А. А.; Шегидевич, Д. С. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, we look at the use of QR-codes in marketing. They are becoming increasingly popular in marketing due to their ease of use and the wide range of features they offer.
    • Edem simulation analysis of jammed special hole punched row tupe tigernut seeder 

      Ma, Shikuan; Liu, Zhixin; Shang, Shuqi (БНТУ, 2023)
      Through the use of EDEM simulation software, the establishment of the tigernut particle model and the card position special hole punch row tigernut precision seeder model, simulation analysis, to verify the seeding performance of the seeder.
    • Умная система хранения и складского учета 

      Варченя, И. В.; Савенко, А. Г. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The paper presents a software and hardware complex for automation and intellectualization of storage and inventory control in an enterprise, implemented on the Raspberry Pi hardware platform with voice control and visual light indication for request processing. The developed software and hardware system for storage and inventory control can be easily scaled and adapted to the ...