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dc.contributor.authorImad, H. Tahiniru
dc.identifier.citationImad, H. Tahini. Information and communication technology to accelerate learning a foreign language / H. Tahini Imad // Информационные технологии в образовании, науке и производстве [Электронный ресурс] : IX Международная научно-техническая интернет-конференция, 20-22 ноября 2021 года / сост. Е. А. Хвитько. – Минск : БНТУ, 2022. – С.
dc.description.abstractThe migration issue strongly displays educational structures’ failure to supply a large group of adults with new production skills and a new homeland’s language in a short period of time. Although there are high-quality systems for teaching foreign languages (for example, the Callan method), educational authorities do not understand or promote them for a variety of reasons, particularly in nations where regular migration waves occur. Efforts to employ current information and communication technologies (ICT) to accelerate adult education, particularly the adaptation of refugees and migrants, have failed due to a lack of adequately organized work by specialists in the field. The article demonstrates how, leveraging technology advancements in recent years, it is feasible to combine the most advanced methods to the formation of production abilities in adults while also speeding up the process of learning a foreign
dc.titleInformation and communication technology to accelerate learning a foreign languageru
dc.typeWorking Paperru

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