Browsing by Author "Karpovich, I. V."

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    • Research for conducting experiments to determine the adhesive ability of release coatings for die casting molds of aluminum alloys 

      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed; Karpovich, I. V. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed. Research for conducting experiments to determine the adhesive ability of release coatings for die casting molds of aluminum alloys / Zaid Jabbar Hameed Hameed, I. V. Karpovich ; sci. sup. A. A. Pivovarchik // Литьё и металлургия 2022 [Электронный ресурс] : сборник научных работ V Международной научно-практической интернет конференции студентов и ...