Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Blocked algorithm of finding all-pairs shortest paths in graphs divided into weakly connected clusters 

      Karasik, O. N.; Prihozhy, A. A. (БНТУ, 2024)
      The problem of finding all shortest paths between vertices in a graph (APSP) has real-life applications in planning, communication, economics and many other areas. APSP problem can be solved using various algorithms, starting from Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm and ending with advanced, much faster blocked algorithms like Heterogeneous Blocked All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm designed ...
    • Influence of shortest path algorithms on energy consumption of multi-core processors 

      Prihozhy, A. A.; Karasik, O. N. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Modern multi-core processors, operating systems and applied software are being designed towards energy efficiency, which significantly reduces energy consumption. Energy efficiency of software depends on algorithms it implements, and, on the way, it exploits hardware resources. In the paper, we consider sequential and parallel implementations of four algorithms of shortest paths ...
    • New blocked all-pairs shortest paths algorithms operating on blocks of unequal sizes 

      Prihozhy, A. A.; Karasik, O. N. (БНТУ, 2023)
      BelarusIn real-world networks, many problems imply finding the All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) and their distances in a graph. Solving the large-scale APSP problem on modern muti-processor (multi-core) systems is the key for various application domains. The computational cost of solving the problem is high, therefore in many cases approximate solutions are considered as acceptable. ...
    • Tuning block-parallel all-pairs shortest path algorithm for efficient multi-core implementation 

      Karasik, O. N.; Prihozhy, A. A. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Finding shortest paths in a weighted graph is one of the key problems in computer-science, which has numerous practical applications in multiple domains. This paper analyzes the parallel blocked all-pairs shortest path algorithm at the aim of evaluating the influence of the multi-core system and its hierarchical cache memory on the parameters of algorithm implementation depending ...