Now showing items 11-30 of 358

    • Filter Kalman for solving the problem of coordinates UAV 

      Arefyev, N. N. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly used in military and scientific research. Some miniaturized UAVs rely entirely on the global positioning system (GPS) for navigation. GPS is vulnerable to accidental or deliberate interference that can cause it to fail. It is not unusual, even in a benign environment, for a GPS outage to occur for periods of seconds to minutes. For ...
    • Flight Path Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 

      AL-Mashhadani, М. А. (БНТУ, 2014)
      Проведено исследование оптимизированного по заданному критерию закона управления беспилотного летательного аппарата при наведении его по траектории, заданной опорными точками в инерциальной системе координат. Приводится пример, иллюстрирующий работоспособность предложенных теоретических положений.
    • Formalization of the problem of selection of automated system 

      Petukhov, A. V. (БНТУ, 2018)
      The results of many years of research in the field of formalizing the task of selecting automated systems for various areas of design and office activities are given. The purpose of the study is the development of methods for qualitative and quantitative evaluation when choosing an automated system, taking into accounts the operating conditions and customer requirements. Qualitative ...
    • Fuzzy logic controller implementation for photovoltaic station 

      Elzein, Imad A.; Petrenko, Y. N. (БНТУ, 2014)
      Солнечные батареи (СБ) имеют нелинейные вольт-амперные характеристики с характерной точкой максимальной выходной мощности (МВМ), которая зависит от условий окружающей среды, таких как температура и уровень солнечного излучения. Для обеспечения максимальной выходной мощности СБ должны работать в точке МВМ независимо от условий окружающей среды. Эта задача обеспечивается соответствующим ...
    • Genetic algorithm of optimizing the qualification of programmer teams 

      Prihozhy, A. А.; Zhdanouski, A. М. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The partitioning a set of professional programmers into a set of teams when a programming project specifies requirements to the competency in various programming technologies and tools is a hard combinatorial problem. The paper proposes a genetic algorithm, which is capable of finding competitive and high-quality partitioning solutions in acceptable runtime. The algorithm introduces ...
    • Hybrid communication network of mobile robot and quad-cop 

      Moustafa M. Kurdi (БНТУ, 2017)
      This paper introduces the design and development of QMRS (Quadcopter Mobile Robotic System). QMRS is a real-time obstacle avoidance capability in Belarus-132N mobile robot with the cooperation of quadcopter Phantom-4. The function of QMRS consists of GPS used by Mobile Robot and image vision and image processing system from both robot and quad-copter and by using effective searching ...
    • Implementation of integrated design systems in the learning process 

      Petukhov, A. V. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The modern stage of development of CAD-systems is characterized by a significant expansion of the scope of their use. An interesting direction for improving CAD systems is their integration with CAM systems. One of the main tasks solved by CAM systems is the development of control programs for CNC machines. Many software developers for automation of design and technological ...
    • Implementation of the internet of things network for monitoring audio information on a microprocessor and controller 

      Vishnyakou, U. A.; Shayya, B. H. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The subject of research is the development and implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) network structures for monitoring and analyzing audio information based on Raspberry microprocessor (MP) and an Arduino controller. The purpose of the article is to detail the process of developing an IoT based audio information monitoring network and evaluate the results. The authors have ...
    • Influence of shortest path algorithms on energy consumption of multi-core processors 

      Prihozhy, A. A.; Karasik, O. N. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Modern multi-core processors, operating systems and applied software are being designed towards energy efficiency, which significantly reduces energy consumption. Energy efficiency of software depends on algorithms it implements, and, on the way, it exploits hardware resources. In the paper, we consider sequential and parallel implementations of four algorithms of shortest paths ...
    • Interdisciplinary structury analysis systems in the field of artificial intelligence technologies 

      Loiko, A. I. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article discusses the methodological strategies of integrated computer logistics in the field of artificial intelligence, focused on the tasks of the cognitive economy. The mechanism of the methodological synthesis of disciplinary structures into the system of cognitive sciences and the advantages research programs arising from this mechanism are shown.
    • It diagnostics of parkinson's disease based on voice markers and decreased motor activity 

      Vishniakou, U. А.; Yiwei, X. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The objectives of the article to propose the method for complex recognition of Parkinson's disease using machine learning, based on markers of voice analysis and changes in patient movements on known data sets. The time-frequency function, (the wavelet function) and the Meyer kepstral coefficient function are used. The KNN algorithm and the algorithm of a two-layer neural network ...
    • Kомпьютерная модель обтекания летательного аппарата воздушными потоками и расчет его аэродинамических характеристик 

      Яцкевич, Ю. В.; Кожедуб, Ю. В. (БНТУ, 2015)
      В работе описывается оригинальная полуэмпирическая модель турбулентного течения воздуха в пограничном слое на поверхности летательного аппарата. На основе этой модели разработана компьютерная система, позволяющая моделировать аэродинамические процессы вокруг летательного аппарата и по результатам моделирования рассчитывать его аэродинамические характеристики. Эти характеристики ...
    • Lake detection algorithm in point clouds of the lidar image based on three-dimensional convolutional neural network 

      Xu, Shanshan (БНТУ, 2022)
      An algorithm for detecting lakes in a point cloud of a lidar image based on a three-dimensional convolutional neural network is proposed. The contours of the lakes were extracted from the point clouds of the lidar image and their geometric characteristics were determined using the chain code algorithm. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm for identifying lakes from clouds of ...
    • Mathematical modelling of the unmanned aerial vehicle dynamics 

      Stepanov, V. Y. (БНТУ, 2018)
      The article gives a classification of the main components of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems, gives the areas in which the application of UAVs is actual in practice today. Further, the UAV is considered in more detail from the point of view of its flight dynamics analysis, the equation necessary for creating a mathematical model, as well as the model of an ordinary dynamic ...
    • Maximum power point tracking system for photovoltaic station : a review 

      Elzein, Imad A. (БНТУ, 2015)
      В последние годы проявляется растущий интерес к использованию возобновляемых источников энергии, среди которых особое положение занимает солнечная энергия благодаря неисчерпаемости своих запасов. Тем не менее фотоэлектрические станции характеризуются большими капитальными затратами и низкой эффективностью преобразования. Кроме того, вольтамперные характеристики солнечных элементов ...
    • Mesh network development project in Great Stone industry park 

      Пинг, Пей; Петренко, Ю. Н. (БНТУ, 2016)
      Беспроводная ячеистая сеть (WMN) все чаще становится популярным решением из-за низкой стоимости как альтернатива проводной сети для предоставления широкополосного доступа для пользователей. Беспроводная ячеистая сеть (WMN) представляет собой коммуникационные сети, состоящие из радио узлов, организованных в топологии сети. Беспроводные сети состоят из сети клиентов, сетевых ...
    • Mesh network simulation 

      Pei, Ping; Petrenko, Y. N. (БНТУ, 2015)
      A Mesh network simulation framework which provides a powerful and concise modeling chain for a network structure will be introduce in this report. Mesh networks has a special topologic structure. The paper investigates a message transfer in wireless mesh network simulation and how does it works in cellular network simulation. Finally the experimental result gave us the information ...
    • Method for variable low-density-parity check encoding 

      Shiman, D. V.; Patsei, N. V. (БНТУ, 2014)
      Предложен метод для динамического изменения параметров кодов низкой плотности проверок на четность в соответствии с показателем качества канала связи. Рассмотрено устройство для хранения, динамического выбора проверочной матрицы и корректирующего кодирования. Представлены результаты моделирования характеристик низкоплотностных кодов с переменными параметрами, которые доказывают ...
    • Method of estimation of frequency variation relying on estimation of shift of spectral peaks 

      Kechik, D. A.; Aslamov, Y. P.; Davydov, I. G. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Problem of estimation of variated frequency of components of polyharmonic signals has been arose. Three-dimensional time-frequency representation of signals is usually used to resolve this problem. But simple and reliable method of instantaneous frequency tracking is needed. Frequency tracking method based on estimation of shifts of peaks of spectrogram has been proposed in this ...
    • Methodics and tools of cough sound processing on basic of neural net 

      Vishniakou, U. А.; Shaya, B. H. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods and means of processing cough sounds to detect lung diseases, as well as to describe the developed system for classifying and detecting cough sounds based on a deep neural network. Four types of machine learning and the use of convolutional neural network (CNN) are considered. Hypermarkets of CNN are given. Varieties of machine ...