Browsing Материалы конференции по статьям by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 77
Инновационные технологии обучения
(БНТУ, 2014)The article concentrates on the need to reinforce learning process, it describes the use of developing training technologies and training based on real-world business situations. This allows to create and develop competencies and skills of manager.2018-05-15 -
Инновационный потенциал организаций Беларуси
(БНТУ, 2014)The article analyzes the innovative potential as a sociological category and specific of its sociological research. The focus is on the possibilities for a comprehensive assessment of the innovation potential. Describes the current state of innovative potential of scientific-technical and scientific-educational organizations of the Republic of Belarus.2018-05-15 -
Интенсивное энергосбережение на ТЭЦ при переходе на парогазовую технологию
(БНТУ, 2014)The set of activities to increase the CHP power output and efficiency of natural gas consumption after its change-over to combined-cycle technology is presented in this brief article. The value of annual total fuel savings can be more than 1 million tons of fuel equivalents, due to implementation of described measures at Belarusian CHPs.2018-05-11 -
Использование водного гиацинта (эйхорния, Eichhornia crassipes) для очистки сточных вод и получения кормовой добавки
(БНТУ, 2014)Статья посвящена изучению способа очистки сточных вод с помощью высшего водного растения водного гиацинта (Eichornia crassipes). Проведенные исследования показали, что растение позволяет в среднем снизить показатель ХПК загрязненных вод на 90%. Кроме того, показано, что избыток зеленой массы водного гиацинта можно использовать при производстве кормовой добавки для сельскохозяйственных ...2018-05-11 -
Использование вторичного сырья и отходов металлургических производств для получения керамических материалов различного назначения
(БНТУ, 2014)The paper is devoted to feasibility of creation of ceramic materials for heating aggregates on the basis of refractory phases and with application of production wastes and secondary raw materials.2018-05-10 -
Использование композитных материалов для армирования деревянных конструкций
(БНТУ, 2014)Traditionally, to enhance the wooden structures used metal fittings. This article describes the possibility of using composite materials to enhance the wooden structures.2018-05-10 -
Использование минерализаторов в производстве плиток однократного обжига для внутренней облицовки стен
(БНТУ, 2014)The article is devoted to researches in the field production of ceramic tiles for interior wall covering for single firing technology. The formation of ceramic crock is parallel with the fusing of the glaze by single firing, which causes the appearance of defects on the surface. Found that the use mineralizes shifts the decomposition of dolomite at low temperatures, creating ...2018-05-10 -
Использование реверсированного тока при формировании электрохимических паяемых бессвинцовых материалов
(БНТУ, 2014)According to the RoHS directive (July 2006), in the European Union the use of a number of hazardous materials is prohibited, including lead in the materials used in the manufacture of electronic equipment. In the world a suitable and complete tin-lead material substitution has not been found by far. The reseach results of the influence of nonstationary electrolysis on current ...2018-05-10 -
Использование экономического анализа в управлении интеллектуальной собственностью
(БНТУ, 2014)This article is focused on the economic analysis of the intellectual property. It also describes the basic approaches to the determination of the economic effect from the implementation of intellectual property. The authors of article proposed its own method of estimating the present discounted income from the implementation of intellectual property.2018-05-15 -
Испытание новой сорт-популяции сосны обыкновенной в различных лесорастительных районах Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2014)In this paper we studied the characteristics of growth sort of pine ordinary in test cultures of different ages, created Nemansko-Predpolessky, Beresinsko-Predpolessky and Polessko-Pridneprovsky forest plant districts. Found that the sort-population pine ordinary is characterized by intensive growth in height and of extended 9-year tests retains its inherent high growth.2018-05-11 -
К вопросу о применении биоцидных добавок при изготовлении эффективных бетонных смесей и бетонов
(БНТУ, 2014)The ability to use additives “Biopag – D” for protection from corrosion biochemical concrete mortar and concrete without changing the physical and physico - mechanical properties.2018-05-10 -
К вопросу о проблеме нормирования труда в строительстве
(БНТУ, 2014)This article summarized on existing technical regulations in the construction industry operating in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. An example the analysis of data on used construction machinery in leading organizations of Grodno shows difficulty arising from the normalization of mechanized earth works according to current normative literature.2018-05-10 -
Кадровый потенциал белорусской науки как фактор инновационного развития
(БНТУ, 2014)This article deals with the problem of personnel potential of the Belarusian science. It is widely known that the sphere of science and innovations often faces some particular problems which are mentioned below. The aim of the article is to give possible measures of solving existing problems and to give some perspectives on the development of this sphere in Belarus.2018-05-14 -
Китайские высокотехнологичные парки привлекают молодых ученых
(БНТУ, 2014)Чэнь, Хао. Китайские высокотехнологичные парки привлекают молодых ученых / Чэнь Хао // Научные и инновационные проекты и инициативы молодежи Беларуси и Китая : сборник материалов конференции в рамках Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума "Новые горизонты - 2014", 3-4 декабря 2014 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 120-121.2018-05-14 -
Конечноэлементное моделирование изменения температуры тонкой пластины под действием динамической нагрузки
(БНТУ, 2014)The mathematical model allowing to consider the change of physical properties of material of a plate as a result of change of its temperature caused by action of dynamic loading is presented. The providing corresponding program is developed and verification is carried out it. The divergence of results of research of the offered mathematical model and calculations with use of a ...2018-05-11 -
Методологический подход оценки конкурентоспособности специализированных пищевых продуктов
(БНТУ, 2014)One of the top priorities of social-economic development of the Republic of Belarus is preservation and strengthening the inhabitants’ health. It is known the health of people depends so much on the quality of food they use. So, in this article the results of analysis of competitiveness of food-staffs are given and a methodological approach to the evaluation of functional products, ...2018-05-15 -
Микроконтроллерное управление технологическими процессами с помощью микрокомпьютера Raspberry PI
(БНТУ, 2014)The scheme of the control of temperature in processes of the soldering of electronic modules in real time by means of one-paid microcomputer RASPBERRY is developed.2018-05-10 -
Мини дом: строить или нет?
(БНТУ, 2014)Юшкевич, М. Мини дом: строить или нет? / М. Юшкевич // Научные и инновационные проекты и инициативы молодежи Беларуси и Китая : сборник материалов конференции в рамках Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума "Новые горизонты - 2014", 3-4 декабря 2014 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 110-111.2018-05-14 -
На пути к инновационному кластерному развитию в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2014)Belarus joined the industrial-innovative development phase of the economy. One of the areas of innovative development is the creation of a pharmaceutical cluster. This project aims at the formation of external competitiveness of pharmaceutical production on the basis of cooperation with foreign companies that do not have their own productions. The benefits of investing in this ...2018-05-15 -
Новые самофлюсующиеся наплавочные материалы на железной основе для нанесения износостойких защитных покрытий
(БНТУ, 2014)Comparative analysis of up-to-date coating materials applied for protective coating of the parts operating in the conditions of abrasion wear is presented in the paper. Technological characteristics of the novel coating material based on iron shot, experimental data on comparative wear resistance of the parts coated with various coating materials, and the results of operational ...2018-05-10