МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ Белорусский национальный технический университет РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Кафедра «Технологии инженерного образования» АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК В СФЕРЕ ТЕХНИКИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Курс практических занятий Минс к БНТУ 2 0 1 5 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ Белорусский национальный технический университет РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Кафедра «Технологии инженерного образования» АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК В СФЕРЕ ТЕХНИКИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Курс практических занятий для слушателей курсов повышения квалификации Мин с к БНТУ 2 0 1 5 УДК 811.111(076) ББК 81.2Англ73 А64 С о с т а в и т е л ь Е.А. Михнюк, ст. преподаватель кафедры «Технологии инженерного образования» РИИТ БНТУ Р е ц е н з е н т ы : Т.Г. Шелягова, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков № 1 Белорусского государственного университета информатики и радиоэлектроники, канд. филол. наук, доцент; О.В. Пинчук, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков № 2 Белорусского государственного университета информатики и радиоэлектроники, канд. филол. наук, доцент А64 Английский язык в сфере техники и технологий : курс практиче- ских занятий для слушателей курсов повышения квалификации / сост. Е.А. Михнюк. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – 47 с. ISBN 978-985-550-280-8. Курс практических занятий состоит из шести разделов, каждый из которых вклю- чает технические тексты на английском языке, теоретический материал по наиболее сложным темам английской грамматики и лексико-грамматические упражнения, пред- назначенные как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы слушателей кур- сов повышения квалификации. Курс может быть использован в работе с аспирантами и студентами технических специальностей вузов. УДК 811.111(076) ББК 81.2Англ73 ISBN 978-985-550-280-8 © Белорусский национальный технический университет, 2015 3 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Курс практических занятий предназначен для слушателей курсов повышения квалификации по направлениям «Английский язык в сфере техники и технологий» и «Профессиональная комму- никация специалиста» и ориентирован на развитие языковых и ком- муникативных навыков в сфере профессионально ориентированно- го общения. Может быть использован как на занятиях под руковод- ством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной работы слушателей. Курс состоит из шести разделов (Units), каждый из которых включает несколько специализированных (профессионально- ориентированных) текстов на английском языке, заданий, предна- значенных для формирования языковых и лексико-грамматических навыков и развития соответствующих умений устной речи в ситуа- циях профессионального общения, а также для обучения просмот- ровому, изучающему и ознакомительному чтению, устному перево- ду и письменной речи. Текстовый материал заимствован из зарубежных источников, его тематика определена программой курса. Комплекс заданий ос- нован на функционально-коммуникативном подходе, предполагает взаимосвязанное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности. Опре- деленные коммуникативные задачи реализуются в приведенных си- туациях профессионально ориентированного общения и направлены на формирование коммуникативно-компетентной личности препо- давателя технических дисциплин. Цели курса: – готовить слушателей к естественной коммуникации в уст- ной форме и использованию языка в профессиональной деятельно- сти; – развивать познавательные способности слушателей с ис- пользованием современных источников информации; – совершенствовать навыки перевода с английского языка на русский; – изучать особенности лексических и грамматических вопро- сов перевода; 4 – развивать умения грамматического анализа специальных технических текстов. Задачи: – развивать и совершенствовать навыки самостоятельной ра- боты над языком; – активизировать все виды речевой деятельности: устная речь, чтение, письмо, восприятие речи на слух, перевод; – расширять кругозор слушателей в контексте иноязычной культуры. 5 UNIT 1 Текст: ENERGY AND ELECTRONS. • Перевод субъектного инфинитивного оборота. • Перевод инфинитивного оборота с предлогом for. Перевод субъектного инфинитивного оборота Инфинитивный оборот Complex Subject состоит из двух ча- стей. Первая — существительное в «общем» падеже или местоиме- ние в именительном падеже; вторая — инфинитив, выражающий действие, которое выполняет лицо или предмет существительное или местоимение). Особенностью этого инфинитивного оборота является то, что первая и вторая части разделены сказуемым, которое выражено личной формой глагола в страдательном залоге или глаголами типа to seem, to appear и др. Complex Subject употребляется для упрощения предложений. Такое упрощение происходит следующим образом: подлежащее придаточного предложения становится подлежащим простого рас- пространенного предложения, сказуемое главного предложения за- меняется и согласуется с новым подлежащим, а затем следует сказу- емое придаточного предложения в форме инфинитива, который обо- значает действие подлежащего. Инфинитив употребляется с частицей to после всех глаголов. It is known that sunlight activated various chemical reactions. Sunlight is known to activate various chemical reactions. Известно, что солнечный луч активизирует различные хи- мические реакции. Сочетание is known указывает лишь на определенное отно- шение к содержанию предложения. Местоимение it и союз that опускаются. Перевод инфинитивного оборота с предлогом for Случаи употребления оборота Complex Subject В английском предложении очень часто инфинитив стоит за существительным или местоимением с предлогом for, образуя с ним 6 одну синтаксическую группу. Инфинитивный оборот for + суще- ствительное (местоимение) + инфинитив с to может выполнять раз- ные синтаксические функции: сложного подлежащего, сложного дополнения, сложного определения, составного именного сказуемо- го. Переводится придаточным предложением, которое вводится со- юзами «что», «чтобы», «для того чтобы», подлежащим которого становится существительное или местоимение, стоящее перед ин- финитивом, а сказуемым — инфинитив. It required some minutes more for the pilot to know the height of the flight. Потребовалось еще несколько минут, чтобы пилот узнал вы- соту полета. Возможен перевод этого оборота существительным или ин- финитивом: It was important for us to use this new method. Нам было важно использовать этот новый метод. Оборот Complex Subject имеет следующие способы перевода: а) сложноподчиненным предложением. В этом случае перевод следует начинать со сказуемого в стра- дательном залоге (is said, is known, is believed и др.), которое перево- дится на русский язык в 3-м лице множественного числа (говорят, известно, полагают и др.). Имя существительное в «общем» падеже вместе с инфинитивом, который становится сказуемым придаточно- го предложения, присоединяются к главному предложению союзом «что» и переводятся придаточным предложением. Billions of stars are assumed to exist in the universe 2 1 3 4 Допускают, что миллиарды звезд существуют в кос- мосе б) простым предложением с вводными словами (как известно, как считают, вероятно), при этом порядок слов английского предло- жения не изменяется, а инфинитив следует переводить как сказуе- мое. The results are known to have been used in this experiment. Результаты, как известно, были использованы в этом экспе- рименте. 7 Как было отмечено, инфинитивный оборот (Complex Subject) состоит из двух частей. При переводе на русский язык необходимо учитывать, что сказуемое может иметь любое время. These forms of radiant energy have been found to travel through space with a big speed. Такие формы излучения энергии, как было установлено, распространяются в пространстве с большой скоростью. При переводе сказуемого необходимо обратить внимание на форму инфинитива. Инфинитив типа to be передается с помощью глаголов настоящего или будущего времени. Atoms were assumed to be indivisible particles of the elementary substance. Допускали, что атомы (есть) неделимые частицы вещества. В научно-технической литературе часто встречаются глагол- связка to be + likely или to be + unlikely. После этих конструкций In- definite Infinitive переводится на русский язык личной формой глаго- ла в будущем времени. Under these conditions the output is likely to increase. При этих условиях выпуск продукции вероятно возрастет. Перфектная форма инфинитива (to have been) переводится на русский язык глаголом прошедшего времени. This scientist is supposed to have developed a new method. Предполагают, что этот ученый разработал новый метод. Если глагол сложного сказуемого стоит в отрицательной фор- ме действительного залога, то при переводе на русский язык отри- цание относится к инфинитиву. This method does not seem to offer any advantages. Кажется, что этот метод не дает никаких преимуществ. Если же глагол сложного сказуемого стоит в отрицательной форме страдательного залога, то отрицание относится к этому гла- голу. Such reaction was not observed to happen. He видели, чтобы происходила такая реакция. Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for в предложении упо- требляется: 8 1. При сказуемом в страдательном залоге, выраженном глаголами: to say, to state, to believe, to consider и др. 2. При сказуемом в страдательном залоге, выраженном глаголами: to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice и др. 3. При сказуемом в страдательном залоге, выражением глаголами: to order, to ask, to re- quest и др. 4. При сказуемом дей- ствительного залога, выраженном глаголами: to seem, to appear, to happen, to prove и др. 5. При именном со- ставном сказуемом ти- па: be likely, be unlikely, be certain и др. He is said to live in Canada. We were seen to enter the theatre. The secretary was or- dered to bring all docu- ments. She seemed not to listen to him. They are likely to come soon. Говорят, что он жи- вет в Канаде. Видели, как мы за- шли в театр. Приказали, чтобы секретарь принес все документы. Казалось, что она не слушала его. Они, наверно, скоро придут. Read the text. ENERGY AND ELECTRONS The structure of the atom is similar to planetary system, electrons orbiting around a central nucleus. Electrons also rotate about their own axes. We know the rate of electron rotation and the orbital path deter- mine the amount of energy possessed by the atom. 9 The total energy contained in any atom is known to be the sum of the energies of the individual electrons. Electrons of a given atom can be changed from their position by different energies. Radioactive materials, for example, are constantly undergoing a change. Radioactive energy emitted from the material changes it from one form to another. It is also possible to change the atom structure by means of controlled nuclear re- action. The atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb are known to be exam- ple of great amount of energy contained in an atomic structure. There are much simpler methods of changing the amount of energy in a given atomic structure. A photoelectric cell, for example, has a large area, pho- tocathode, made from chemically active materials. These materials are known to be alkaline metals. They are electrically active to the degree that they emit electrons when struck by light. Light falling on the cathode will cause electrons to be emitted; the anode being supplied with a positive potential, electrons will be attracted toward it, producing a photoelectric current. This is well-known photoe- missive cell; it has many uses in modern industry. Basic laws governing the photoelectric effect were studied by Stoletov. They are also true for the laser operation. There are two basic laws of photoelectricity. The first law is known to state that the number of electrons re- leased per unit of time from photoelectric surface is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light. Thus, the more intense light, the greater is the number of electrons to be released. This law states that the greater the light intensity, the greater is the current flow in the photoelec- tric cell. The second law is known to state that the maximum energy of electrons coming from photoelectric surface is independent of the inten- sity of the incident light and is directly proportional to the frequency of the light. It can be shown experimentally that the maximum energy of electrons depends only on the frequency of the light falling of the cath- ode surface. The higher the frequency of incident of radiation, the higher is the energy of photoelectrons. The photoelectrons the light energy which falls on the photocath- ode excites the outers of the atoms. Thus, the light energy causes photo- emission. Vocabulary notes 10 nucleus (pl. nuclei) — ядро (ядра) to undergo - испытывать, подвергаться hydrogen bomb - водородная бомба photoelectric cell - фотоэлемент photocathode - фотокатод alkaline metals - щелочные металлы photoemissive cell - фотоэмиссия, элемент с внешним фотоэф- фектом incident light - падающий свет to excite - возбуждать GRAMMAR EXERCISES I. Find the sentences with the Subjective Infinitive construction (Complex Subject) in the text and translate them. II. Say if it is true or false. 1. Electrons are orbiting around a central nucleus. 2. The total energy contained in any atom is known to be sum of the energies of the individual nuclei. 3. There are two basic laws of photoelectricity. 4. Light falling on the anode will cause electrons to be emitted. III. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Subjec- tive Infinitive construction (Complex Subject). 1. Electronics is thought to be a young science. 2. The electric generator is known to be a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. 3. Alpha rays are considered to be positively charged helium atom. 4. An electric cell is believed to consist of an electrolyte and two electrodes. 5. This voltage source was supposed to supply cur- rent for this circuit. 6. The value of the output voltage of the cell was found to depend only on the material used. 7. Due to these experiments this substance was shown to be a good conductor. 8. The secondary coil of the transformer is assumed to have more turns than the primary one. 9. Cadmium was reported to be useful for application in transistor. 10. This scientist is expected to make a report on the fundamentals of radio engi- 11 neering. 11. The designer is said to construct a new device by using sem- iconductors. IV. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Com- plex Subject. 1. Yablochkov is known to be the inventor of the electric candle! 2. All the members of the committee are reported to have been enthusias- tic about the plan. 3. "Hamlet" is considered to be the summit of Shake- speare's art. 4. Substances are known to burn when they unite with the oxygen of the air. 5. The years that he had spent abroad seemed to have taught him much. 6. He is supposed to be one of the greatest writers of our time. 7. It appeared to be quite another man. 8. Shakespeare is known to have been an actor and play writer in one of the leading com- panies of players at the end of 1580. V. Point out the construction "for+Infinitive". Translate the fol- lowing sentences. 1. On completion of a contract of long duration it is a sound policy for the plant to be sent to the repair deport for thorough examination. 2. Architecture is a difficult art, for it requires a special type of imagination and takes long years of training and experience to produce a capable ar- chitect. 3. In pushing over or falling trees, which are too large for the tractor to move by blade, the roots of the trees should be exposed and cut through. 4. In its way the camera can be even more deceptive than a drawing for the good architectural photographer can make beautiful pho- tographs of ugly structures. 5. The six rivets necessary for the web con- nection to be able to take up the design shear are arranged as shown. VI. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Infini- tive. 1. Real water vapour and steam are known to be completely invis- ible. 2. A rod of ebonite, which has been rubbed with the wool rag, is found to have the property of attracting light objects such as small pieces of paper, cork, etc. 3. When heat is transferred from one part of the body to another without any progressive motion of the parts of the substance, the heat is said to the transferred by conduction. 4. A book lying on a table is expected to keep its position without any difficulty, as one knows 12 it to be in a state of equilibrium. 5. Heat is said to reach the cooler end of the rod by conduction along or through the material of the rod. 6. All metals are known to consist of minute particles called molecules. VII. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the con- struction "for+ noun+ Infinitive". 1. 8 minutes are required for light to travel from the Sun to the earth. 2. Nearly a month is required for the moon to circle the Earth. 3. The satellite of Neptune is too far away for its size to be known with any accuracy. 4. For combustion to be rapid, the fuel and oxidant must be quickly mixed. 5. For ions to be formed, a considerable amount of ener- gy must be given to the parent atoms. 6. In order for the airplane to climb, thrust must exceed drag. VIII. Translate the additional text into Russian in written form. THE GRADUAL GROWTH OF OUR KNOWLEDGE OF ELECTRICITY As long as 600 B.C. (до нашей эры) the Greek philosopher Tha- les knew that amber rubbed with fur or wool would attract small pieces of straw and other light materials. The Greek also knew that certain rocks of iron ore would attract small pieces of iron. This was also known to the early Chinese who used this knowledge to make a magnetic compass — a special iron needle that is free to rotate in any horizontal direction. The needle is so attracted by the natural magnetism of the earth that it always turns to point with certain accuracy towards the north. The compass made navigation of the ocean simpler and safer. One of the first books showing the connection between magnetism and electricity, based upon actual experiments was written by Dr. William Gilbert in 1600. It was generally thought that there were two different kinds of electricity: frictional and static electricity — the kind you make when amber is rubbed with wool — and kind stored in a cell that can be changed into electric current. Now we know the two kinds are the same. 13 UNIT 2 Текст: АTOM AND ELECTRON. • Перевод причастия I, II в функции определения и обстоя- тельства. • Перевод многофункциональных служебных слов it, one. Трудности перевода Participle I, II При переводе причастия возникают трудности, которые свя- заны с омонимическими формами Past Indefinite и Participle II не- личных глаголов. Особое внимание следует обратить на причастие в функции определения, которое стоит после существительного. В этой функ- ции чаще всего встречается причастие II, реже причастие I. Cosmic rockets launched with the first space velocity (7.9 km per sec.) become artificial satellites. Космические ракеты, запускаемые с первой космической ско- ростью (7,9 км/с), становятся искусственными спутниками Земли. Сложная форма Participle I (being used) в функции опреде- ления, как правило, переводится причастием настоящего времени в страдательном залоге или придаточным определительным предло- жением. Rockets being used for high altitude research are equipped with special instruments. Ракеты, которые используют для проведения исследований на большой высоте, оборудованы специальными приборами. Перевод многофункциональных служебных слов it, one It употребляется как: а) личное местоимение (он, она, оно) для неодушевленных предметов: Finally I found the article I had been looking for. I started trans- lating it at once. Наконец я нашел статью, которую искал. Я сразу же начал пе- реводить ее. 14 б) формальное подлежащее в безличных предложениях. It is well known that radioactive isotopes can be used very effec- tively in medicine. Хорошо известно, что радиоактивные изотопы можно очень эффективно использовать в медицине. в) указательное местоимение: What is it? — Что это? It is a lamp. — Это лампа. г) вводное слово в предложениях с эмфатическим оборотом: It is silver that is the best conducting metal. Именно серебро является наилучшим проводящим металлом. One употребляется как: а) числительное: I know only one solution of this problem. Я знаю только одно решение этой задачи. б) неопределенное местоимение: One should know that geometry treats of the properties, construc- tion and measurements of lines, surfaces and solids. Необходимо знать, что геометрия рассматривает свойства, строение и измерение линий, поверхностей и твердых тел. в) слово-заместитель для замены ранее упомянутого суще- ствительного: This substance reacts 100 times as fast as the other one. Это ве- щество взаимодействует в 100 раз быстрее, чем другое. Read the text. ATOM AND ELECTRON Present atomic theories, based on the atom model, place the mass and the positive charge of an atom in a central nucleus, surrounded by moving electrons. The nucleus is composed of neutrons and protons. Neutrons have a mass approximately one-sixteenth that of the mass of the oxygen atom and have zero electrical charge. They occur in fixed numbers in all nuclei except that of hydrogen H. The proton has a mass slightly lighter than that of the neutron and approximately equal to the mass of the hydrogen H. It is a charge equal to that the electrons but pos- itive in sign. The chemical elements are differentiated by varying num- bers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, number of protons being 15 equal to the atomic number, hydrogen having one, helium two, and so on. Since atom is in electrical balance in its normal state, the number of associated electrons moving around the nucleus is equal to the numbers of protons. The electron is the smallest known indivisible unit of electric charge. Early experimenters succeeded in the measuring the ratio of the charge of the electron to mass, and in 1910 the charge was first meas- ured, thus determining these properties of the electron. Repeated experi- ments have defined the values for these constants of the electron. The electron appears to have a dual personality, at time being best thought of as a particle, and in other experiments seeming to require wave properties for a satisfactory explanation of the phenomena. Electric current is due the movement of electric charges, frequent- ly referred to as electrons. However, long before the existence of the electron was known, it was customary to speak of electric current as due to movement of positive charges from positive to negative in a metallic circuit external to the source. This usage is too well set to be readily overcome, even though it is now known to be reversed, with the negative electrons moving from negative to positive in the external metallic cir- cuit. Therefore, when electric currents are discussed, the customary di- rection will be meant. Vocabulary notes neutron - нейтрон proton - протон associated electrons - связанные электроны indivisible - неделимый coulomb - кулон The electron appears to have a dual personality - оказывается, что электрон обладает двойственной природой. This usage is to well set to be readily overcome - это настолько прочно вошло в привычку, что от нее нелегко отказаться. reversed - противоположный due to - обусловленный to refer to - относить, иметь отношение in sign – по знаку the ratio - пропорциональность 16 customary - обычный GRAMMAR EXERCISES I. Name the forms of the Participle, define their functions and translate the sentences. 1. Having lost the address of her cousin's new flat, she couldn't come to see her. 2. The site having been chosen, many houses are being built there. 3 He lost his way and not knowing English he couldn't get to Capitol Hill. 4. He got to Capitol Hill having changed a tram for a bus. 5. Asked in English transmitting he couldn't answer anything. 6. The site of the city was chosen by G. Washington and was accepted by Congress in the act of 1790, establishing the Federal District of Columbia. II. Define the functions of the Participle I in Passive Voice and translate the sentences. 1. Being heated magnetized steel loses its magnetism. 2. The new measuring instrument being developed in this laboratory will be tested by that engineer. 3 The oscillations being produced in the antenna are, weak. 4. New data being obtained are necessary for nature investiga- tions. 5. Being perfected the device operated successfully under all con- ditions. 6. The new receiver being tested will be used in this system. 7. Being equipped with modem instruments the laboratory carried out im- portant experiments. III. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Parti- ciple II. 1. The operation of the receiving station influenced by a number of factors was discussed by engineers. 2. The generation of electricity from magnetism dealt with by Faraday was a very important scientific discovery. 3. The work of Rutherford followed by great help for under- standing many natural phenomena. 4. Gagarin's first space flight' fol- lowed by many others was very important for the development astro- nautics. 5. Molecules of even a good insulator acted upon by electric field produce a motion of electrons due to the field. 6. Some drawbacks of the reactor referred to in this article will be eliminated. 17 IV. TRANSLATE THE ADDITIONAL TEXT INTO RUSSIAN IN WRITTEN FORM. WHAT IS ELECTRONICS? First, let us look a little deeper into what electronics really is. Electronics is a young science. It belongs to the twentieth century, although many of the mathematical aspects of it were worked out in the latter part of the nineteenth century. It really began when the valve was invented. It was forgotten during the rapid development of wireless, although in laboratories here and there men were experimenting with devices which we now class as electronic, such as X-rays and "cathode" rays. The word "electronics" means "to do with electrons", and as people began to realize that the streams of electrons in valves could be made to do more than just receive and amplify wireless signals, great advances were made and electronic vacuum tubes began to be used in many ways quite unconnected with wireless. We cannot say exactly what an electron is or what it is like because it is far too small to see with even the most powerful microscope. We can only observe the effect it produces under given conditions and infer from this its general properties. We can say that it is the smallest known particle that exists and a tiny piece of negative electricity. Much of our information about it has been derived from the study of large groups or streams of electrons; and has thus been applied to the behaviour of crowds rather than the character of individuals. Basically, electronics is not so much a new subject as a new way of looking at electricity. All electrical effects are really electronic, because all electric currents result from the movement of electrons, and all electric charges are due to the accumulation of electrons. The most convenient way of defining what we call "electronics" today is to say that it is concerned with electrons which are free, in so far as they are not limited to the confines of solid wires or conductors. It concerns chiefly the passage through a vacuum or gas-filled space, such as is contained within the familiar radio and television valves. V. Define the functions of "one" and translate the sentences into Russian. 18 1. One watt is the power due to a current of one ampere at tension of one volt; therefore watts equal volts time amperes. 2. When one talks over a telephone, it is not the sound of the voice that travels over the wire, it is an electric current. 3. When put together in a molecule, these tiny fragments do not form a rigid structure, but one that can vibrate, ro- tate and perform other relative motions about its centre of mass. 4. From of this experiment it is clear that these devices are low power ones. 5. One would like to know, for example, that the effect of the ambient at- mosphere is on the slow-state density and energy distribution. 6. The relative motion of one tooth upon the other should be more of a rolling than of a sliding nature. 7. The rum indicator and the ball-bank indicator were constructed in one housing to provide a more efficient instrument for flight. 8. One of the most important things for the pilot to know is how high he is flying. 9. One should know that geometry treats of the properties, construction, and measurements of lines, surfaces and solids. UNIT 3 Текст: ELECTROMAGNTIC WAVES. • Перевод самостоятельного причастного оборота • Перевод многофункциональных служебных слов: there, that, but. Перевод самостоятельного причастного оборота (The Absolute Participial Complex) Этот причастный оборот состоит из существительного в «об- щем» падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и прича- стия. Самостоятельный причастный оборот отделяется запятой от главного предложения и переводится на русский язык: а) придаточным обстоятельственным предложением, которое вводится одним из подчинительных союзов «когда», «так как» (ко- гда оборот стоит в начале предложения); б) самостоятельным предложением, которое вводится в состав сложносочиненного предложения одним из сочинительных союзов 19 «и», «а», «причем» (когда независимый причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения). The gas being compressed, the number of molecules in each cubic centimeter is increased. Если газ сжать, количество молекул в каждом кубическом сантиметре увеличивается. All gases and liquids expand when heated their density being at the same time reduced. При нагревании все газы и жидкости расширяются, причем их плотность одновременно уменьшается. Самостоятельные причастные обороты широко используются в технической литературе и иногда начинаются предлогом with. На русский язык предлог не переводится, а весь оборот соответствует придаточному или самостоятельному предложению. With the experiments having been carried out, we started new in- vestigations. После того, как были проведены эксперименты, мы начали новые исследования. Перевод многофункциональных служебных слов: there, that, but There употребляется как: а) формальное подлежащее в конструкциях типа there is, there are: There are two other reasons for the use of another relay. Для использования такого реле существуют две другие при- чины. б) наречие: We made experiments there. Мы проводили опыты там. That употребляется как: а) указательное местоимение: At that point the line drops down to zero. В той точке линия падает до нуля. б) союз: Не showed that any two masses attract each other. 20 Он доказал, что любые два тела, имеющие массу, притягива- ются. в) союзное слово: Give us a material that can withstand very high temperature. Дайте нам материал, который может выдержать высокую температуру. г) слово-заместитель, для того чтобы избежать повторения существительного: The qualities of the new alloy are better than those of the old one. Качества нового сплава лучше качества старого (сплава). But употребляется как: а) союз (но, а): Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, but potential energy is that of position. Кинетическая энергия — это энергия движения, а потенци- альная — энергия покоя. б) наречие (только, лишь): Не is but a child. Он только ребенок. в) предлог (кроме): For some minutes we could see nothing, but black smoke rising from the ground. В течение нескольких минут мы ничего не видели, кроме черного дыма, который поднимался от земли. Read the text. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES The conversion of sound waves into electric currents and the am- plification of these currents are two basic electronic techniques required for record players, different electronic techniques. There are many reasons why it is not practically to transmit radio waves of very low frequencies, but for one thing the transmitting aerial will be impossibly large. It is therefore not possible to broadcast elec- tromagnetic waves of audio frequencies, and for long-distance transmis- sion it is necessary to resort to higher frequencies and therefore shorter 21 wavelengths; the wavelengths actually used vary about 1 meter to 2000 meters. In general, electromagnetic waves are propagated through the Earth's atmosphere in two ways: travel over the surface of the Earth, and waves, which leave the surface of the Earth. They are reflected back ion- ized layers of the outer atmosphere between 60 and 400 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This ionized region of the atmosphere is called ionosphere. Long waves are transmitted as over ground waves and therefore lose a good deal of their energy in passing through ground obstacles; they consequently have only a limited range. The shorter waves escape more easily from the surface of the Earth. They can be received over greater distances owing to their reflection back to the Earth by the iono- sphere. Very short waves pass through the ionosphere so they can be used for long-distance communications. This is why the range of TV sta- tions is limited. This problem has however been overcome in recent years by the use communication satellites. If the satellite simply reflects the radiation, it is called a passive satellite, where as it is receives the signal and retransmits an amplified signal, it is called an active satellite. Vocabulary notes amplification - усиление but for one thing - но, во-первых obstacle - препятствие, помеха This problem has, however, been overcome — однако эта про- блема была решена to transmit - передавать to resort - обращаться за помощью to propagate - распространять(-ся) to reflect - отражать satellite - спутник an amplified signal - усиленный сигнал GRAMMAR EXERCISES I. Insert the appropriate forms of the Participle from the brackets; translate the sentences. 22 1... the position of the plant on paper, it was decided that the pipe- line should go along the river (establishing, having established). 2... at the object from the front, or from the sides, the observer could not see the inside edges of the object (looking, having looked). 3... to the table it will be noted that the number of loads hauled by the wheeled tractor are more than that of a crawler tractor on a similar length of haul (referring, having referred). 4. ... the number of loads hauled per hour, the total cu- bic yards of material excavated may be easily calculated (knowing, hav- ing known). II. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Absolute Participial Complex. 1. Electrons moving through the conductor, electrical energy is generated. 2. The speed of light being very great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods. 3. Transistors being very sensitive to light, engi- neers use this property. 4. The current in a circuit was decreased when the resistance was increased, other factors remaining the same. 5. Some radioactive materials have been found in nature, uranium being one of them. 6. Chemistry and physics are interconnected sciences, any chemi- cal change resulting in a physical change. 7. The value of voltage was the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit, the value of current be- ing different. 8. A charge of one coulomb increasing the potential be- tween plates by one volt, a capacitor had a capacity of one farad. 9. The resistance of the body being high, small current flows through the body. 10. Territs are very sensitive to light, this property being very important. III. Define the Absolute Participial Complex and translate the sentences into Russian. 1.There being no other traffic, the driver can maintain a constant speed of, say, 90 km/hr (kilometers per hour). 2. Part of energy being changed into heat is transformed into electric energy. 3. The water leaves the wheel with a large relative velocity but a small absolute velocity, practically all its original energy having been given to the wheel. 4. The cyclotron may be regarded as a modification of the linear accelerator, the particles being transferred from one to the other at the proper instants by the action of a magnetic field. 5. The positive pole having been brought near the negative pole, the latter attract it. 6. Two bodies having poten- 23 tials of 100 volts and 50 volts, a potential difference exists between them of 50 volts. 7. The current distribution over the cross section of the con- ductor being non -uniform, the resistance increases. 8. The travelled dis- tance having been given in meters and the time in seconds, speed was measured in m.p.s., that is, in meters per second. IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to the functions of the Participle II. 1. Both apparatus are equipped with a rubber-insulated conductor. 2. The advantage of the diesel engine lies in the high efficiency obtained. 3. There was the great increase of the quantity of part produced. 4. The uranium must be enclosed in a thick metal case to prevent it from flying until the explosion is under way. 5. The number of metal atoms, deposit- ed on a plate depends on the number of electrons arriving at the plate. 6. Carbon was the first material used for such a conductor. 7. The fastest way to detect an artificial satellite is radio, largely used for that purpose. 8. The mechanical and electrical apparatus needed for testing are incor- porated in a stable steel housing. V. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Absolute Participial Complex. 1. The fundamental of electricity are the fundamentals of electron- ics, both being branches of physics. 2. The condenser being placed in a direct currents circuit, the current will stop flowing. 3. The velocity, length and frequency of the wave are independent of each other, the fre- quency being equal to the velocity divided by the wavelength. 4. The size of the electrodes being increased, the current capacity also increases, the voltage output remaining the same. VI. Translate the additional text into Russian in written form. NUCLEAR ENERGY Utilization of atomic power has created a considerable revolution in the entire field of power engineering. The atom permits obtaining electric power in the places where coal or oil cannot be transported by conventional means. 24 Atomic power stations are successfully built in those places where supplies of organic fuels have been entirely exhausted or are near ex- haustion. The main and most wonderful feature of nuclear fuel is the enor- mous thermal energy it contains. Indeed, one kilogram of nuclear fuel is equal to more than 2,000 tons of coal. Mention should be made that no other branch of technology has progressed as fast as nuclear power engi- neering. The construction of atomic power stations equipped with the so- called "fast" reactors is the basic trend in the further development of power engineering. VII. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the differ- ent meanings of "but". 1. It seems that the electron is nothing but electricity. 2. If but a few of the atoms of a body have had an electron removed the body has a small charge. 3. One can easily note how voltage increases during the first quarter-turn but then decreases during the next quarter turn. 4. The operator saw all the tubes but one function in the proper way. 5. We ex- pect the current cycle and the voltage cycle to finish in step if they start in step. But in many a.c. circuits the current cycle does not get started as soon as the voltage cycle. VIII. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the differ- ent meanings of "that (those)". 1. The initial conditions in the electrical problem can be made the same as those in the mechanical problem. 2. Let us now obtain a more general formula that simplifies heat-conduction problems. 3. A concen- trated force is a force that is applied on a point. 4. The necessary condi- tions for equilibrium in a system of forces are that the algebraic sum of all the force components in any direction must equal zero. 5. Normal stresses are those produced by tension and compression and are distrib- uted on a plane perpendicular to the line of action of the external load reaction. 6. Hooke's Law states that a body acted upon by an external force has a deformation proportional to the stress, as long as the elastic limit is not exceeded. 7. A tool or machine must never be used for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. 25 IX. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the different meanings of "there". 1. There can be no flow of water through a pipe unless there is pressure to cause it. 2. There will also be some pulsation as the brush bridges the insulated gap between two segments. 3. There will be exactly as many numbers current cycles as there are voltage cycles, but they may start at different times. 4. While these condensers will be found usually in direct current circuit, there is one type that is used on alternating cur- rents for motor starting and the like. 5. There are two methods of storing an equal amount of energy in a condenser. 6. There are many different kinds of reactors varying in size, in the type of fuel used, and in the qual- ity of fuel. UNIT 4 Текст: SEMICONDUCTORS. • Перевод герундия и герундиальных оборотов. • Перевод разных случаев употребления многофункционального глагола to do. Перевод герундия и герундиальных оборотов Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, которая образуeтся прибавлением окончания –ing к инфинитиву. Герундий имеет следующие формы: Active Passive Indefinite Perfect Writing Being written Having written Having been written Форма герундия совпадает с формой причастия I, но от при- частия I герундий отличается следующими признаками: 1.Перед герундием стоит предлог, существительное в роди- тельном падеже или притяжательное местоимение. For converting electrical energy into mechanical energy we used a special machine. 26 Для превращения электрической энергии в механическую энергию мы использовали специальную машину. 2. Герундий отличается от причастия I синтаксическими функциями. Он может выполнять не только функции определения и обстоятельства, но и функции подлежащего и дополнения. Heating the substance at high temperatures may change its prop- erties. Нагрев(ание) вещества при высоких температурах может из- менить его свойства (подлежащее). 3. В функциях обстоятельства герундий всегда употребляется с предлогом. Не insists on using this substance in the experiment. Он настаивает на использовании вещества в эксперименте (дополнение с предлогом). Поскольку в русском языке нет формы, соответствующей ан- глийскому герундию, то при переводе на русский язык ему надо найти соответствующие эквиваленты. Герундий может переводиться: • существительным: Measuring resistance before the beginning of the experiment was necessary. Измерение сопротивления перед началом эксперимента было необходимо. • инфинитивом: The English realists sought for new ways and means of revealing the truth of life. Английские реалисты искали новые пути и способы по- казывать правду жизни. • деепричастием: Heat may be produced by burning coal, gas or any other fuel. Тепло можно получить, сжигая уголь, газ или любое другое топливо. • глаголом в личной форме как сказуемое в придаточном предложении: I remember their having adopted this system as being more eco- nomical. 27 Я помню, что они одобрили эту систему как более экономич- ную. Из сложных форм герундия в научной и технической литера- туре чаще всего, встречается герундий в форме страдательного за- лога. Passive Gerund указывает на то, что действие, выраженное ге- рундием, совершается над лицом (или предметом), к которому оно относится: The possibility of chemical energy being transformed into energy is evident. Возможность превращения химической энергии в элек- трическую энергию очевидна. Герундиальный оборот — это сочетание герундия с дополне- нием и присоединенными к нему словами, может выполнять любые функции (кроме определения). In spite of not having any university education, Faraday made his great discoveries. Несмотря на то, что Фарадей не имел университетского об- разования, он сделал великие открытия. Часто перед герундием стоит притяжательное местоимение или существительное в притяжательном падеже. Такие элементы предложения вместе с дополнением и обстоятельством образуют герундиальный оборот. Притяжательное местоимение или суще- ствительное герундиального оборота переводится личным место- имением или существительным в именительном падеже и выполня- ет функцию подлежащего русского придаточного предложения, а герундий переводится глаголом в личной форме. Einstein's being awarded the Nobel prize in physics soon became widely known. To, что Эйнштейн был награжден Нобелевской премией по физике, вскоре стало широко известным фактом. Если герундий стоит в начале предложения и выполняет функцию подлежащего, то он переводится отглагольным суще- ствительным или инфинитивом. Heating copper from 0° to 100° С increases its resistance about 40%. Нагревание меди oт 0° до 100° С увеличивает ее сопротивле- ние на 40%. 28 Measuring resistance is necessary in many experiments. Измерить сопротивление необходимо во многих эксперимен- тах. В научно-технической литературе часто употребляется герун- дий с оборотом there is (are). В этих случаях герундий переводится на русский язык существительным или личной формой глагола. There was по absorbing gas on the surfaces of solids. На поверхности твердых веществ газ не абсорбировался. Перевод разных случаев употребления многофункцио- нального глагола to do Глагол to do в предложении может быть: 1. Смысловым глаголом со значением «делать». Scientist did everything to improve the method of measurement. Ученые сделали все, чтобы улучшить метод измерения. 2. Вспомогательным глаголом для образования вопроситель- ной и отрицательной формы в Present и Past Indefinite. What does our Government do it in order to supply water to dry regions? Что делает наше правительство для того, чтобы поставлять воду в засушливые районы? Не didn’t know about this important experiment. Он не знал об этом эксперименте. 3. Глаголом для усиления значения действия, выраженного глаголом-сказуемым. В этом случает перед смысловым глаголом стоит do (does) в настоящем времени и did - в прошедшем. Усиление значения передается в русском языке частицами «же», «ведь», сло- вами «фактически», «действительно» и др. Now, we do understand what great importance the computer has in our life. Теперь мы действительно понимаем, какое большое значение имеет компьютер в нашей жизни. 4. Глаголом для замены смыслового глагола во избежание его повторения. В этом случае to do стоит в том же времени, что и смысловой глагол и переводится тем же смысловым глаголом или совсем нe переводится. 29 Perhaps you are wondering that such an atomic power station might explode as a bomb does. Возможно, вы удивляетесь, что такая атомная станция могла взорваться как бомба. Read the text. SEMICONDUCTORS The term "semiconductor"' means "half-conductor", that is, a ma- terial whose conductivity ranges between that of conductors and non- conductors or insulators. They include great variety of elements (silicon, germanium, sele- nium, phosphorus and others), many chemical compounds (oxides, sul- phides) as well as numerous ores and minerals. While the conductivity of metals is very little influenced by tem- perature, conductivity of semiconductors sharply increases with heating and falls with cooling. This dependence has opened great prospects for employing semiconductors in measuring techniques. Light, as well as heat, increases the conductivity оf semiconduct- ing materials, this principle being used in creating photo resistances. It is also widely applied for switching on engines, for counting parts on a conveyer belt, as well as various systems of emergency signals and for reproducing sound in a cinematography. Besides reacting to light, semi- conductors react to all kinds of radiations and they are therefore employ- ing in designing electronic counters. Engineers and physicists turned their attention to semiconductors more than fifty years ago, seeing in them the way of solving complicated engineering problems. Converting heat into electricity without using boilers or other machines was one of them. This could be done as means of metal thermocouples, but in this way impossible to convert more one per cent of the heat into electricity. The thermocouples made later of conductors more generated ten times as much electricity as the metal ones. Sunlight like heat can feed our electric circuit. Photocells made of semiconducting materials are capable of transforming ten per cent of sunray energy into electric power. By burning wood, which has accumu- 30 lated the same amount of solar energy, we obtained only heat fractions of one per cent of electric power. The electricity generated by semiconductor thermocouples can produce not only heat but also cold, this principle being used in manu- facturing refrigerators. Semiconducting materials are also excellent means of maintaining a constant temperature irrespective of the surrounding temperature changes. The latter can vary over a wide range, for example, from 50° below 0° to 100° above 0°. Semiconductors are the youngest field of physical science. Yet even now they are determining the progress of radio engineering, auto- mation, chemistry, electrical engineering and many other fields of sci- ence and technique. Vocabulary notes semiconductor - полупроводник conductivity - проводимость to range between - колебаться (в пределах) oxide - оксид sulphide – сульфид ore - руда emergency signal - аварийный сигнал to turn one's attention (to) - обратить чье-либо внимание (на что-то) insulator - изолятор silicon - кремний coating parts - элементы покрытия GRAMMAR EXERCISES I. Make up different kinds of questions to the following sentence. Light increases the conductivity of semiconducting materials. II. Answer the questions. 1. What does the term “semiconductor” mean? 2. When does conductivity of semiconductors sharply increase? 3. Can sunlight like heat feed our electric circuit? 31 4. Can the electricity generated by semiconductor thermocouples produce heat or cold? 5. Semiconductors are the youngest field of physical science, aren’t they? III. Find the verbals in the text and analyze them. IV. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the func- tions of the Gerund: 1. Increasing the number of power stations in our country means the improving living standards of people. 2. Testing a new receiver for the application in the system was the prime task of the laboratory. 3. The new means of improving radio communication has been discovered by our engineers. 4. Iron and zinc plates are used for producing negative electrodes since these materials produce a high charge. 5. Important re- sults on the ionization were obtained by measuring those particles. 6. In designing electronic computers we have passed from valves to transis- tors. 7. The transistors are successfully used for transforming heat energy into electrical energy by means of thermal elements. 8. Without increas- ing the temperature of metals it is impossible to increase their resistance. 9. Radiation is usually detected by measuring the amount of ionization. 10. After investigating many materials engineers selected aluminium for constructing this device. 11. By raising the cathode temperature we in- crease the number of emitted electrons. V. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Gerun- dial Constructions. 1. We know of all substances consisting of atoms. 2. We knew of glass having been invented some hundreds years ago. 3. Every student knows of copper being one of the first metals used by man. 4. The expla- nation lies in the product being more stable. 5. We insisted on their being offered favourable terms of payment. 6. The possibility of ethylene being converted into aromatic hydrocarbons is slight. 7. We object to their be- ing denied the aspiration to test such new methods as may be suggested by fresh knowledge. 8. He objected to the goods being paid in advance. 32 VI. Translate the following sentences, observe different meanings of the verb to do. 1. When the molecule is placed in the electric field, the electrons try to move and do so for instant. 2. If only a few of the insulator's mole- cules do release one electron each, the insulator at once completely breaks down and becomes a conductor. :3. If by some means we can change the current in a coil without changing the flux rapidly, then the current may rise and fall as suddenly as it does in a purely resistive cir- cuit. 4. The electrons, the motion of which constitutes the current, do not actually pass from one plate of the condenser to the other through the dielectric. 5. An important question for the radio engineer to consider has to do with the shape of current, which flows in a circuit connected to an alternator. 6. The emission or evaporation of electrons takes place at lower temperatures than does that of atoms. VII. Translate the sentences with Gerund into Russian. 1. Production control methods involve planning. 2. Understanding requires the reader’s attention. 3. Accounts area is concerned with handling financial operations. 4. The company cut costs by shifting production to cheaper loca- tions. 5. Granting credit always implies some degree of risk. 6. Managing stock and work in progress is achieved by using special 80/20 rule. 7. Accuracy in invoicing should be aimed for. 8. Every communication applies to a person’s mind to accepting more information. 9. The purpose of advertising may be anything from increasing brand awareness to improving specific aspects of the brand image. 10. Sometimes it is worth including questions themselves as sub- headings in the text. VIII. Complete the sentences choosing Gerunds from the list. breaking up, getting, giving, charging, maintaining, reading, han- dling, selling, showing, describing. 1. Advertising is a very important part of ___________ to the customer on order to create favourable prejudice. 33 2. ___________ even a simple object to someone who has never seen it can be very difficult. 3. One of the fundamental aids to affective ___________ is the making of notes. 4. The idea of marketing should use all its efforts to ________ the customers what they want, at a profit. 5. The process of marketing includes a whole range of activities relating to ________ the product. 6. ________ more for products or services seems a relatively easy way to improve results. 7. Accounts area is responsible for ________ the financial side of the business operations. 8. Stock control area is concerned with _________ a current up- to-date list of inventory of stock held by a business. IX. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the -ing forms. 1. One of the most outstanding advances has been the use of com- puters in simulating management problems. 2. One major institution is now working on a program for adapting this new system to the problem of planning. 3. Special-purpose computers are already controlling irk power-generating stations. 4. The beginning of a manufacturing process is normally product design. 5. Naturally, in introducing at integrated manufacturing system of any sort, there is a great deal of resistance to change on the part of all concerned. X. Translate the additional text into Russian in written form. CONDUCTORS Conductors are materials having a low resistance, so that current easily passes through them. The lower is the resistance of the material, the more current can pass through it. The most common conductors are metals, and silver and copper: are the best of them. The advantage of copper is that it is much cheaper than silver. Thus, copper is widely used to produce conductors. Оne of the common functions of wire conductors is connecting voltage source to a load resistance. Since copper wire conductors have a very low re- 34 sistance a minimum voltage drop is produced in them. Thus all of the applied voltage can produce current in the load resistance Most materials change the value of resistance when their tempera- ture changes. UNIT 5 Текст: COMPUTER. • Перевод отглагольного существительного. • Перевод конструкции с предлогом for. Перевод отглагольного существительного В английском языке отглагольное существительное (The Ver- bal Noun) по своей форме совпадает с Participle I и Gerund (оконча- ние -ing прибавляется к основе инфинитива). Отглагольное суще- ствительное можно определить по таким признакам: 1. Наличие артикля. Many metal working processes include the melting or solidifying of metal. Многие металлообрабатывающие процессы включают плав- ление или отвердение металла. 2. Наличие окончания множественного числа. It was necessary to change temperature readings from one tem- perature scale to another. Необходимо было изменить показатели температуры с одной температурной шкалы на другую. 3. Определение стоит перед отглагольным существительным. I like rapid reading. Мне нравится быстрое чтение. 4. Определение с предлогом оf стоит после отглагольного су- ществительного. They started the loading of the ship. Они начали загрузку корабля. Перевод конструкции с предлогом for For употребляется как; 35 а) союз (так как, ибо): We shall go to the lecture on mechanics, for it seems to be interest- ing. Мы пойдем на лекцию по механике, так как она, кажется, бу- дет интересной. б) предлог (за, для, на, в течение, чтобы — инфинитивный оборот в с предлогом for): The flare will burn for approximately 3 minutes. Сигнальная ракета будет гореть приблизительно в течение трех минут. Pistons for small engines are generally made of cast iron. Поршни для малогабаритных моторов обычно изготав- ливаются из чугуна. The smallest electric voltage is sufficient for the electrons to be set in motion. Достаточно наименьшего электрического напряжения, чтобы электроны двигались. Read the text. COMPUTER Computers are well known to represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them having appeared less than 60 years ago. Alt- hough still new, these machines are already bringing about a real revolu- tion in science, technology, statistics and automatic control. The reason for this is in the fact that a mathematical formula can be found for almost of all scientific and technical problems. They can be solved without a computer but it would require millions of arithmetical operations. No Wonder that many problems of exceptional importance remained unsolved for a long time, the volume of the calculations re- quired being above human possibilities, Electronic computer with a high speed can carry out several thou- sand arithmetical operations in one second. A calculation, which would have taken several year of intense human work in the past, is now done in a few minutes or hours. A number of various complicated problems have already been solved with the help of computers. 36 The principle of this wonderful machine lies in counting electric impulses. Numbers are represented as a sequence of such impulses, and a radio-technical scheme counts them carrying out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division all higher mathematical calculations being reduced to these four operations. If we introduce into the scheme first one number and then another, the result will yield the sum of these two numbers. Subtraction is re- duced to the addition of negative numbers. Multiplication is done by re- peated addition the necessary number of times, a division — by repeated subtraction. Electronic machines work according to a program prepared in ad- vance, which determines the sequence of operations. They have a very efficient electronic "memory" which stores the initial date, the interme- diate numbers and final results as well as working commands given to the machine. The electronic machine can also be used for controlling automatic production. Signals given by measuring instruments and controlling de- vices into the machine send the necessary commands to the control panel according to the program. This machine can also be used to make translations from one lan- guage into another by converting words into figures and vice versa. All the instruments invented up to now have served to save man's labour. But it is electronic computers the importance of which cannot be underestimated, that come to the help of the human brain, thus opening boundless possibilities. Vocabulary notes complicated - сложный vice versa (лат.) - наоборот to invent - изобретать, создавать boundless - безграничный, беспредельный addition - сложение subtraction - вычитание multiplication - умножение to reduce - уменьшить to yield - уступать to underestimate – недооценивать 37 GRAMMAR EXERCISES I. Define the Verbal Noun and translate the sentences into Rus- sian. 1. This splitting of the hydrogen molecule is attended by the ab- sorption of a large amount of energy. 2. The breaking of the circuit caus- es the magnetic field to disappear. 3. We know that the conversion of heat into chemical energy is reversed when the burning of coal converts chemical energy into heat. 5. Inductance is provided with the silver coat- ing and capacitance by the inner and outer surface of this silver with the porcelain as dielectric. 6. The original reactor worked successfully at 200 watts and the shielding was not sufficient to allow a higher power level. II. Translate into Russian. Define the functions of the Participle, the Gerund and the Verbal Noun. 1. When translated, the article was typed. 2. The results obtained were of great importance. 3. While compressing the gas we can turn it into liquid. 4. We are proud of being students. 5. He went away without waiting for a reply. 6 I remember my having seen this film. 7. This is a most interesting book, beautifully written and splendidly translated. 8. The melting of copper, iron and cast iron requires a very high tempera- ture. 9. The energy of a body is its capacity for doing work. 10. It is in- terested in collecting rare minerals. 11. This article is worth reading. 12. At the continued heating of a solid body the movement of its molecules becomes still faster. III. Define the functions of the Participle, the Gerund and the Verbal Noun. Translate into Russian. 1. The results obtained being of prime importance, engineers used them in their investigations. 2. Electrons are obtained by using a heated filament for the Negative electrode and protons are produced in a hydro- gen-filled discharge tube from which ions pass to the main accelerating tube. 3. There are several types of microphones being used, the most im- portant of these being the dynamic microphone, the velocity microphone and the crystal microphone. 4. Being built one the basis of transistors lasers are successfully used in technology. 5. The lead-acid battery em- ploys a low-voltage constant potential charging arrangement, the lamps being connected in parallel. 6. The charge of the electron being deter- 38 mined, it was easy to calculate its mass, 7. The main advantage of this instrument over the moving coil type instrument is that it is capable of measuring both alternating current and direct current. 8. Obtaining new data on the device sensitivity will be of great help for designers. 9. The new, building housing the laboratory will be located at some distance from the main building of the plant. 10. The specific heat solid elements known, the approximate atomic weight can be easily calculated. IV. Translate the additional text into Russian in written form. THE ROBOTS NERVOUS SYSTEM Robots, in order to perform many functions, need a nervous system and organs of sense as well as a brain. A human being has to have eyes and ears, a nose, a mouth, and a sense of feel. Depending on the task it is to perform, a robot can have any or all of these built into it. A robot's eyes, for example, are generally made up of photoelectric cells. A robot eye can consist of one cell, or of hundreds of cells placed close together. A one-cell eye isn't able to do much more than tell the difference between light and dark, while some of the more complex ones are able to see colour and detect movement. Robots can be taught to "hear" various types of sounds. Usually they are made so that they can "hear" only those sounds which are important to them. For instance, a robot designed to "hear" the sound of a jet aircraft would have no reason to hear the voice of a bird. Robot ears are better than human ears for a given single function because they are not distracted by unimportant sounds. A robot can be adjusted to detect differences in frequency. If sounds of a given frequency are important to a robot's job, it acts on them. Otherwise the brain ignores the sound. carries them. Robot noses are adjusted to analyze air passing through their "nostrils" and from the air composition tell what that air "smells" like. Robots "feel" in the same way that humans do. Tiny wire "fingers" can go across a surface and, from the way the surface pushes the wires around, the robot can tell whether the surface is smooth of rough. Robots can also tell temperature. One kind of robot feeler is the thermostat which can tell the difference between two temperatures. Another kind of 39 robot heat senser can feel the exact temperature more accurately than any thermometer. This device is called a "thermocouple". A thermocouple is based on the principle that electricity flows through a wire faster when it is cold than when it is hot. That is, the resistance in a hot wire is greater than it is in a cold wire. The needle on the meter will be at a certain place at any given temperature. Robots seem human in many ways. They even have some feelings similar to human feelings. They occasionally have a nervous break down or they may grow tired. Much progress has been made in avoiding these “unwanted human" feelings in robots. UNIT 6 Текст: LASERS. Перевод предложений эмфатической конструкции. Перевод конструкции have + существительное + причастие II Перевод предложений эмфатической конструкции Эмфатические конструкции употребляются для выделения то- го или иного члена предложения, которое может осуществляться с помощью инверсии. Инверсия — изменение обычного порядка слов в предложе- нии с целью выделения тех или иных его членов; нарушение обыч- ного порядка слов, обусловленное логичными, стилистическими или ритмическими требованиями. В английском языке можно наблюдать явление инверсии, ко- гда сказуемое стоит перед подлежащим. Инверсия имеет особое смысловое значение и часто употребляется для выделения слова. Существует несколько типов инверсии. 1. В начале предложения может стоять вторая часть сказуе- мого (Participle I, II), существительное с предлогом или прилага- тельное, затем первая часть формы глагола be (is, are) и, наконец, подлежащее. Между второй и первой частями сказуемого могут сто- ять прямое дополнение или обстоятельство. 40 The fundamental principles of alternating current are presented in this chapter. Included are the basic principles of some alternating cur- rent machines. В этой части представлены основные принципы (свойства) переменного тока. Здесь же изложены основные принципы дей- ствия некоторых двигателей переменного тока. 2. В начале предложения может стоять обстоятельство со сло- вами: only—только, never before—никогда раньше не, по longer— больше не, not until — только после, до (тех пор) пока не. В этом случае инверсию употребляют для выделения этих слов и связанного с ними сказуемого. Never before has a new class of weapon been attended so much publicity as a guided missile. Никогда раньше ни один новый вид оружия не привлекал такого большого внимания, как управляемая ракета. 3. В предложении с инверсией на первом месте может стоять один из союзов nor, neither, so. Carbon dioxide does not burn, nor does it support combustion. Двуокись углерода не горит и не поддерживает горение. 4. На первом месте в предложении может стоять прилага- тельное, за которым следуют союзы as или though. This new branch of science, young as it is, touches on many im- portant practical applications. Эта новая отрасль науки, хотя она и возникла недавно, ле- жит в основе многих важных практических применений. Перевод конструкции have + существительное + причастие II В английском языке есть конструкция, состоящая из глагола tо have (в личной или неличной форме), за которым следует существи- тельное и причастие II. Some airplanes have engines installed in the wings. На некоторых самолетах двигатели устанавливаются в кры- льях. В таком предложении существительное-подлежащее при пе- реводе ставится в косвенном падеже, часто с предлогом (на самоле- тах), первый член конструкции — глагол to have — отдельным сло- 41 вом не переводится, второй член конструкции — существительное (engines) становится подлежащим, а третий член конструкции — причастие II (installed) переводится личной формой глагола. Read the text. LASERS A device that has received a great deal of publicity is the laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). This device produces a beam, of light composed of waves that are both monochro- matic (all of one wavelength) and coherent (all in the same phase — that is, all the peaks coinciding). These properties enable the beam to be used as a source of considerable energy at a sharply defined point, for weld- ing, eye surgery, and similar applications. Because the beam is also, ex- tremely parallel, diverging very much less than ordinary light, it is used in space communications — a laser beam that has travelled the quarter of a million miles to the moon is still narrow enough to be useful. The principle on which the laser works derives from an earlier de- vice called the maser, which operates at microwave frequencies rather than optical frequencies. This principle is based on simulated emission, that is, the emission of a photon by an atom in an excited state as the re- sult of the impact of a photon from outside of exactly equal energy. In this way the stimulating photon is augmented by the photon from the excited atom. Thus if an atom in a substance is excited it will emit a photon to bring it back to the ground state. It is stimulated (hit) by a photon con- taining energy, equal to the difference between the excited and ground states. If a high proportion of the atoms in a substance is pumped to an excited state there is an avalanche effect. A stimulating photon from out- side is doubled the first time it hits an excited atom, the two photons re- sulting then go on to double again by impacts with other excited atoms, and so on. All the photons have exactly equal energy, and are therefore associated with waves of identical wavelength. A laser consists of a solid or gaseous active medium in which the majority of the atoms can be pumped to an excited state by exposing them to electromagnetic radiation of a different frequency to the stimu- lating frequency. The active medium consist of (or in the case of a gas is 42 contained in) a transparent cylinder which acts as a resonant cavity – the stimulated waves of the same frequency making repeated passages up and down the cylinder. One end of the cylinder has a reflecting surface, and the other has a partially reflecting surface through which the laser beam emerges. In a ruby laser, for example, the electrons in the chromium atoms of a cylindrical ruby crystal are pumped to an excited level by radiation from a flash tube, thus producing a pulsed beam. Continuous wave lasers can be made using mixtures of inert gases. Vocabulary notes: monochromatic - монохроматический coherent - когерентный that is, all the peaks coinciding – то есть, все пики совпадают to enable the beam to be used – давать возможность использо- вать луч to diverge – расходиться (о лучах) frequency - частота to augment – увеличивать ground state – основное состояние avalanche effect – «эффект лавины» two photons resulting then go on to double – вследствие этого, два фотона продолжают удваиваться GRAMMAR EXERCISES I. Say if it is true or false. 1. The beam of the laser is used as a source of considerable energy at a sharply defined point. 2. The principle on which the laser works is based on stimulating emission. 3. A laser consists of a solid or gaseous active medium. 4. Continuous wave lasers can be made using mixtures of inert gases. II. Translate the following sentences with the inversion. 1. Discussed in this chapter are some of the general characteristics inherent to semiconductors. 2. Included in this section is a description of a typical airborne liquid oxygen system. 3. Shown on the photo is the equipment available at many airports to start piston-engine aircraft. 4. 43 Described in this book are all the rockets space-probing craft including the sputniks. 5. Associated with each electron is a wave, which is propa- gated in the direction of the motion of the electron. III. Translate the following sentences with the Construction “have+noun+participle". 1. Machines of many types have their operation controlled by a computer. 2. A colliding molecule may have an atom or two knocked out of it. 3. The theory of atomic structure developed by Bohr has the elec- trons distributed around the nucleus in shells (orbits). 4. The large air- cooled engines have the cylinders arranged radially. 5. An atom which has one or more of its electrons raised to a higher than normal energy level is said to be in an excited state. 6. Current transformers are step-up transformers having their primaries connected in series with one line and their secondary connected to the ammeter terminals. IV. Translate the additional text into Russian in written form. AUTOMATION STARTS WITH MEN Automation is the result of months and years of planning by engineers (using computers, by the way). Automation begins with a team of highly skilled men, automation 35 experts, programmers. They consult with the people who run a factory about the type of operation desired. They prepare a master plan. After the green light is given on the master plan, there are months of detail planning. A medium or large computer is brought in to help solve some of the complicated problems. One of its tasks will be to keep track of production scheduling and inventory control. When you have hundreds of machines working on thousands of items every day, it becomes impossible for human clerks to keep things under control. In the first place, you would have to have too many clerks. In the second place, even with enough clerks, they could not possibly get together and integrate — combine — their information fast enough to do any good. What is needed is a controller robot. It can receive masses of information in a short time and come up with new requirements — parts, machines, raw materials, men. 44 ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1 Голикова Ж.А. Learn to Translate by Translating from English into Russian. Перевод с английского на русский. - M.: OOO “Новое зна- ние”, 2004. 2 Грузинская И., Черкасская Е., Романович А. Практическая грамма- тика английского языка. Москва, 2001. 3 Карпышева Н. М. Практическая грамматика английского языка / Н. М. Карпышева, В. Н. Янушков. – Мн.: Сади, 1996. 4 Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер В.Л., Кожевникова О.Н. Grammar of the English Language / под ред. проф. Ивановой Е. В. – Москва: Айрис Пресс, 2008. 5 Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика англий- ского языка с упражнениями и ключами. М.: ЮНВЕС, 2007 6 Марченко О.В. Инфинитивные конструкции. Лексико- грамматический практикум по английскому языку. — Волгоград: Издательство ВолГУ, 2000. 7 Пумпянский А.Л. Введение в практику перевода научной и техни- ческой литературы на английский язык / А.Л. Пумпянский. – М.: Изд-во «Наука», 1965. 8 Слепович В.С. Настольная книга переводчика с русского языка на английский. Russian-English Translation Handbook / В.С. Слепович. – 2-е изд. Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2006. 9 Хоменко С. А. Английский для студентов технических вузов: ос- новной курс: учебное пособие / С.А. Хоменко. – Мн. : Выш. шк., 2006. 10 Barron D.W. 1977. An Introduction to the Study of Programming Languages”. Cambridge U.K., Cambridge University Press. 11 English Grammar Difficulties. Английский язык: Трудности пере- вода грамматических конструкций: Пособие / Млявая С.В. – Мн.: Амалфея, 2002 12 G.B.Olesen. A Cheaper Renewable Alternative for Belarus Issue Pa- per from INFORCE-Europe1, Danish Energy Agency, July 2011. 13 OECD science, technology and industry outlook 2010 / OECD. – Par- is: OECD Publishing, 2010. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ………………………………………………………3 UNIT 1 Перевод субъектного инфинитивного оборота………………...5 Перевод инфинитивного оборота с предлогом for......................5 Случаи употребления оборота Complex Subject….....................5 Energy and Electrons (text).............................................................8 Grammar Exercises.........................................................................10 The Gradual Growth of our Knowledge of Electricity (additional text)........................................................................................................12 UNIT 2 Трудности перевода Participle 1, 2...............................................13 Перевод многофункциональных слов it, one..............................13 Atom and Electron (text)................................................................14 Grammar Exercises........................................................................16 What is Electronics? (additional text)............................................17 UNIT 3 Перевод самостоятельного причастного оборота.....................18 Перевод многофункциональных служебных слов there, that, but….....................................................................................................19 Electromagnetic Waves (text).......................................................20 Grammar Exercises.......................................................................21 Nuclear Energy (additional text)...................................................23 UNIT 4 Перевод герундия и герундиальных оборотов……............... 25 Перевод разных случаев употребления многофункционального глагола to do…...................................................................................28 Semiconductors (text)..................................................................29 Grammar Exercises......................................................................30 Conductors (additional text).........................................................33 UNIT 5 Перевод отглагольного существительного..............................34 Перевод конструкции с глаголом for…....................................34 Computer (text)............................................................................35 Grammar Exercises......................................................................37 The Robots Nervous System (additional text).............................38 45 UNIT 6 Перевод предложений эмфатической конструкции……….39 Перевод конструкции have smth done…................................40 Lasers (text)...............................................................................41 Grammar Exercises...................................................................42 Automation Starts with Men (additional text)...........................43 Литература………………………………………………..…44 Учебное издание АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК В СФЕРЕ ТЕХНИКИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Курс практических занятий для слушателей курсов повышения квалификации С о с т а в и т е л ь МИХНЮК Евгения Александровна Технический редактор О.В. Песенько Подписано в печать 07.04.2015. Формат 60841/16. Бумага офсетная. Ризография. Усл. печ. л. 2,73. Уч.-изд. л. 2,14. Тираж 100. Заказ 704. Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение: Белорусский национальный технический университет. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации издателя, изготовителя, распространителя печатных изданий № 1/173 от 12.02.2014. Пр. Независимости, 65. 220013, г. Минск.