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dc.contributor.authorНовосельчук, Н. Е.ru
dc.identifier.citationНовосельчук, Н. Е. Здания банков конца XIX – начала XX века в творчестве А.Н. Бекетова = Financial institutions builded on the project of A.N. Beketov between the end of XIX — beginning of XX centuries / Н. Е. Новосельчук // Архитектура : сборник научных трудов / редкол.: А. С. Сардаров (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – Вып. 13. – С.
dc.description.abstractВ статье проанализированы здания банков, построенные в конце ХІХ – начале ХХ века по проектам академика архитектуры А.Н. Бекетова. Определена их роль в формировании градостроительных ансамблей, дана характеристика стилистического и функционально-планировочного решения. Обозначено состояние этих зданий на сегодня. Анализ сделан на основе архивных первоисточников, научных материалов, натурных исследований автора.ru
dc.titleЗдания банков конца XIX – начала XX века в творчестве А.Н. Бекетоваru
dc.title.alternativeFinancial institutions builded on the project of A.N. Beketov between the end of XIX — beginning of XX centuriesru
local.description.annotationOne of new types of public buildings namely bank buildings arising up betrween the end of ХІХ and beginning of ХХ of centuries is examined in the article. Buildings constructed upon the project of the academician of architecture А.N BEKETOV are analyzed in particular. Role of these buildings for forming of town-planning ensembles is determined. These buildings are among the most expressive standards of epoch of historisism, they are valuable heritage and inalienable part of historical environment of cities. Description of stylistic decision of these objects is represented. It is noted that whilst projecting of the bank buildings which have been erected on the turn of ХІХ - ХХ of centuries, the advanced techniques as for functionally-planning decision, technology, construction and materials were used. The current state of these buildings is identified. Analysis is based on the archived original sources, scientific materials, field studies by the

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