Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Structure Formation and Properties of Concrete Based on Organic Hydraulic Binders 

      Khroustalev, B. M.; Veranko, U. A.; Zankavich, V. V.; Aliakseyeu, Yu. G.; Yue, Xuejun; Shang, Bo; Jicun, Shi (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article addresses the issues of structure formation of road composite materials containing hydraulic (рortland cement) and organic (bitumen) binders. It has been determined that organic and hydraulic binders, being thermodynamically incompatible, are capable of interaction and complement each other. Structure formation processes are associated with interphase transition layers ...
    • Thermodynamic Approaches in Assessing Quality, Efficiency and Environmental Friendliness of Asphalt Concrete 

      Qing, Zhang; Romaniuk, V. N.; Aliakseyeu, Yu. G.; Qiang, Hou (БНТУ, 2022)
      The experience of developed countries shows that the development of the road network and transport infrastructure determines the intensity of economic ties and is one of the most important conditions for the development of the state’s economy. Optimization of the composition and production technology of asphalt concrete mixture – the basis of paved roads, is of great importance, ...