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dc.contributor.authorKhodoskin, D.
dc.contributor.authorDubovik, K.
dc.identifier.citationKhodoskin, D. P. Analysis of experience in application of programs for simulation of road accidents / D. P. Khodoskin, K. V. Dubovik // Транспорт и транспортные системы: конструирование, эксплуатация, технологии : сборник научных статей / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: С. В. Харитончик (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2023. – Вып. 5. – С.
dc.description.abstractThe growing motorization of society is a necessary condition for economic growth, innovative development and cohesion of the country. Unfortunately, this process also has negative side effects, for example, road traffic accidents due to existing deficiencies in the organization of traffic, driver errors, vehicle breakdowns or problems in road infrastructure that lead to financial costs – of various types. losses and, in the worst case, human casualties. Therefore, reliable, based on scientific conclusions, reconstruction of accidents is needed. Specially developed computer software is the latest technology that allows such a reconstruction to be carried out objectively. It is proposed to consider the experience of various countries, which is primarily aimed at improving the safety of all road users by analyzing and modeling accidents using software products, and then comparing them with each other based on an analysis of advantages and disadvantages. However, it is possible to obtain reliable and reliable calculation results only if the actual numerical values of the corresponding initial calculated data (measurement results, parameters and coefficients) are substituted into the formulas. This circumstance is connected with the validity, objectivity and reliability of the expert's conclusions. Therefore, an urgent task is to increase the reliability of expert studies and reduce the time for their production. The use of special software can significantly increase the efficiency of the work performed to solve the tasks in three aspects: 1) the calculation process is accelerated; 2) in qualitative terms, the use of computer programs reduces the likelihood of arithmetic errors; 3) it is possible to visualize the results of the
dc.titleAnalysis of experience in application of programs for simulation of road accidentsru

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